Club LE Secret Santa

8 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
3rd Dec 2016 12:40Hey everyone! Christmas is coming, so it's time for a secret santa giveaway! The rules are simple, just comment by the 17th to enter! Then, between the 18th and 19th I'll mail you with who you get to play secret santa too! But don't give the gift right away! Gifts will be given out starting on Christmas Eve, you'll have until New Years Eve to give out the gift. NOTE: Do not reveal who you're supposed to give a gift too until after the gift has been given. There is a 500k max spending limit on the gift. Please check your wishlists and update them with items from ss so your secret santa will have a better idea on what to get you. Remember, give as you want to receive.

Feel free to mail me with any questions. Thanks for participating everyone!
Note, you have to have joined Club LE before December 3rd in order to participate.