
14 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
5th Jun 2010 05:14Mainly for self referrence///
Arcuo the Pixie Troit- I had always wanted a troit. I want to costume him royal, when I have some spare millions xD
Azanthea the Icefairy Phanty- I traded to get him, then costumed.
Emident the Snow Kronk- I created the pet. I love kronks, and came up with the name!
Esphis the Vortex Ercuw- had the ercuw for a while, but when the vortex costume was released I had to costume!
Everted the Insideout Mordo- Mordo potions were extremely cheap (1-2 million), so I had to get one. I had a spare inside-out costume, so it was ideal to name the pet everted
Explainers the Gold Troit- not really wanted a troit, but love the costume and welcomed to the group of pets
Galactia the Killer Snookle- costumed to ghost for Halloween 09, and recostumed to killer
Gataca the Icefairy Dakota- I was stuck for a name, and after recently watching Gataca I thought it was a fairly decent name!
Geithner the Seasonal Oglue- New addition, always loved oglue's but more-overly always wanted a seasonal pet! I thought of the name.
Ismaralda the Cheese Poera- my dream pet as a newbie, I set myself reachable goals, which has now been acomplished
Lightness the Mummy Zoosh- when mummy pets first came out I really wanted one, and hey presto, here one is.
Meremaid the Cottoncandy Sindi- Love the pet
Mesmorized the Angel Chibs- Never too keen on the costume, whilst loving the name and chibs
Orst the Valentine Nino- Never interested in nino's, but costumed to undyingfairy, a more liked version of Nino's
Shauva the Millionaire Chibs- I costumed to make millionaire chibs. I had a spare costume in trades.
Shaylena the Geek Lati- Costumed to geek, and reached my goal of getting a dark lati.
Vulva the Midnight Chibs- Taken away by staff. Whoopsy's
elliot06 the Zombie Chibs- One of the fist LE's that I was proud to be mine! I named, created and costumed
frodo_ the Zombie Huthiq- This is my oldest pet, that I picked up from the pound. He was a non le, and I have made it my duty to rehome, educated and stat. This is my only pet which I have statted by myself. Nearly at sports avater
thundegra the Underwater Quell- Love the costume, which is the main reason I got the pet. I made, named and costumed.