
14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
17th Jun 2010 09:22I don't know how to organize you all, so I'll just go by the order on my friends list. xD
.: Kate :.
We never really got to talk much, damn time zones D;, but whenever we did I always enjoyed your company <33
You're just a fun, outgoing, and sweet person

We may not have much in common and I may not know you well, but I'll always consider you a great friend. :]
I wish you the best of luck pursuing your dreams <3
.: E-K :.
You're just awesome, really. x]
It was always fun to hang around you while you were drooling over the newest yaoi xD <3
Andd you have magical graphics skillz o:
Even though we haven't talked recently, I still lurvee you x] <33
.: Knio :.
I don't know what there really is to say about you. xD
You're purely you, whatever that is. x]
You know you're one of my favorite people on here, considering how many blogs you've /already/ gotten, so I don't know what to put here. x3x

.: Efil :.
You've always been there for me, even when I was in my less pleasant moods. xD
I love talking to you because you always have something to say. x]
Andd I don't care if some other people don't like you, they'll just have to deal

.: Emily :.
Well, we're not the /best/ of friends, but I still consider you one. xD
You're really nice and fun to talk to. :] <3
Plus, we both have a thing for fairy sindis! xD
We'll have to talk more often. x]
.: KC :.
I really don't know what to say to you, considering we bonded over my countless topics in the clubs forum. xD
You're a cool person with an interesting taste in music. :]
Hope to talk to you again. ^^
.: Ruby :.
You're odd, sweet, interesting, andd sarcastic. <3
What's not to like? x]
I really should add your new account at some point. x3x
.: Emmy :.
Honestly, I didn't talk to you a lot :d
But I had fun talking with you and the others in Lick :]
You're a cool girl x]
.: Wolf :.
Well, what is there to say? xD
Somewhere between your Marilyn Manson obsession and my obsession with Adam we became friends x]
I miss chatting with you and juicy in Lick D;
.: Tasty :.
God, it's been so long I've forgotten your name! D;
Something that starts with S, yes? :d
Anyways, you're a wonderful person and always a pleasure to chat with. <33
I hope you and your husband are doing well

Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. :]
.: Rein :.
We have quite a lot of history :d
But to be honest? I really don't care about that anymore xD
I'm past it and over it, and I'm glad you're my friend <3
Sorry you had to deal with my bipolarness ^^'
.: Juicy :.
You're just...zombilicious? xD
Anywhoo, you're always fun to talk to, whether we're being completely stupid or just talking about typical shiz. x]
I love all of your odd-azz blogs and zombie fasoro collection <3
Andd I hope we end up in the same club again at some point

.: Ryan :.
I'm a total fail for forgetting to add you x3x
It's awesome that you're back

I think the last time I saw you was...back when you were marrying everybody in the club? xDD
You're a cool guy and always fun to chat with <33
Oh, and knio actually invited me to your club a while ago, so I thinkk I'll join it ^^
Ugh, too much typing. D;