: : : NEVER FOR TRADE : : :
14 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
25th Jun 2010 23:57Essentially, ALL my pets are never for trade, but here are some specific pets and reasons why..
Named after my Grandma who passed away January 10th, 2000 from a brain aneurism. She was very special to me, and I lost one of my best friends. I spent about 13mil to make her into the Love Poera that she is today
Named after my Grandpa who passed away June 23rd, 2010. His real name was Robert Moore, but Robert was taken, of course, and I wanted an original version of Moore instead of the many out there. So Mohre was born and he WILL be an Angel Mordo, after temple.
Named after my dog who passed away May 31, 2008. He was a white Lhasa Apso, and lived to the age of 18. I grew up with this dog, he was the same age as me (in human years anyways), and he was the best thing in my life. At the time, I couldn't find a White Rusty Potion for sale, so I bought an Orange one and a White Costume
My favorite name, EVER. Will be a Rofling after I finish temple
And finally..
He was my first pet on this site, and I love him to death. I've statted him and given him learnies to be mission killers. I was sent an Angel Poera Potion from Indygo, and used that on him. So thank you very much Indygo, you're amazing.
If you want to know more about Cosmo's learnies, check my other blog =)