Harry Potter Rules

17 years, 6 months & 13 days ago
12th Sep 2007 16:20Most people have read the 'Harry Potter' series. They love it. I'm one of the people who LOVE Harry Potter. It's the only good book I'll ever read over and over again. ;D. If you want to find lots of information about Harry Potter, go to the Wikipedia website. It has loads of information about Harry and the other characters. I had named my Fasoro 'Ginvera' because Ginny Weasley is one of my favoutite characters.
- Favourite characters of mine:
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George Weasley, Ginny, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Dumbledore, Sirius, Mr & Mrs Weasley, Tonks, Hagrid, Lupin, Dobby, Hedwig, Fang
-Most Hated characters I dislike:
Dudley, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Lord Voldemort, Snape, Draco Malfoy, Moaning Myrtle, Wormtail, Percy Weasley, Colin Creevey, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Anyone with a name 'Malfoy', Crabbe, Goyle, Umbridge, Lockheart,
Harry Potter is amazing person that you should read about. ^_^ He has soo many adventures, all of them are very exciting. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D!!! If you haven't read Harry Potter or think the book's too long to read, GO READ HARRY POTTER! Read it over again. It's not long. Why, when I'm almost done a Harry Potter book, I always wish it would be longer. Now say along with me- 1- 2- 3- HARRY POTTER RULES! Woot.^_^