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  1. Edyn
    18th Aug 2010 14:38
    14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
18th Aug 2010 14:38

Yes I am giving her away.

Please give me a good app.

I am giving her away quickly so please app fast.

I am choosing at 17:00:00

Have fun!

Agh, sorry abou saying him I mant her ~ )X
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 16:59
Hey, my names Ceri i'm going to make this short and simple, seeing as I only have a few minuites!

I would love to have Edyn because he would really help me to achieve my next dream pet of either a angel or fairy chibs. It would meen the world to me if I could have her. Or I would try and achieve my goal of turning him gothic. I hope you understand how much this would meen to me. I would write a whole book to recieve Edyn, I only have five minuites left before you choose, so I hope you read this and realize i'm the one who wants him with all my heart.

114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 16:57
Hi there! My name is Haley, and I recently came back from a hiatus. It feels so good to be back! I saw your board and wanted to apply for Edyn right away.

I am hoping to adopt Edyn. I drew a picture of her! *pokes info* I am planning on doing the same for all of my other pets. So far I've drawn a picture of underwraps.

You might be wondering why you should pick me. I will take care of Edyn and love her with all of my heart! I am on for many hours each day and I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. She would NEVER EVER be up for trade. If something were to happen where I had to give her away, I would return her to you. I don't go back on my word. I go on everyday and I'm very active.

Why Edyn? Well, I do love her name. It's amazing. I really like Sindi pets. I don't have enough to buy a potion though. Edyn looks amazing as a punk Sindi, and I wouldn't change her. I'm sorry if this application is too short! If I am not chosen to adopt her, then I hope she goes to a good home.

**I accidentally deleted my post before!**
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 16:06
Hey Britney, I'd honestly love Edyn, not only because of her name, but I plan on having her in my pet family forever :x

First I'll get started on myself, my name is Blake, and the only things I really do on mara is restock, chat with my friends, and earn my pet goals. I've been on here since the summer of 05, and I'm still active. My goal is to earn all of my pets on my pet goals list, but I couldn't help but app for Edyn (one of my only apps ever.)

The reason why I want her is because I not only love short names, but I plan on costuming her Gothic, and the fact that she is female is perfect. I have the MP to do it, I just either needed to app for a Sindi, or restock a Sindi potion, and only one type of those restock.

Edyn will be staying in my family of pets forever, I can assure you of that, because I have not only NEVER traded one of my pets, but I have only given away 6 chibs and a Lati before, Edyn will never be given away since a Gothic Sindi is my main pet goal :x

That's really all, just giving you my goals on here, hopefully you will choose me, as I will be a great owner :]

114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 16:06
hi my name is altonz! i luv sindi as my dream pet fund ive been playing mara for nearly 6 yrs and am hoping to play for 7 yrs anywayz i really luv edyn and will be the cutest ever pet my best pet ever for edyn il do anything il stat him feed him add leranies get a job attach minipets and trade! il trade somthing really worth it like chibs often i really luv edyn sindis are the most 100% adorable cutest pet in mara i must say and yuni and dakota if im gonna care of edyn so much il feed him alot and stat him alot like i did to sonics! i would give my blood to edyn all the time! so heres a poem u might enjoy!

sindis r cute,
sindis r funny,
my most favorite bunny is edyn!

i really luv edyn so much again thank u britney for being such a kind person and giving a lovely adorable pet! il add a story so nice about me and edyn

1 day me and edyn were in the street edyn pointed at a funfair i decided lets go there i telled edyn come on edyn lets go edyn was hopping i was running we went on so many rides a scary ride a fun ride and we were screaming at the very end altonz buyed edyn a big fluffy bunny toy just for little bunny edyn and altonz hugged edyn and gave a kiss! and both went home together! thanks brittney for the lovely app luv edyn and cant wait till the winner thx brittany for ur honour of edyn thank you hope u have a lovely ultimate summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 16:00

Hey there BritneyJeffery100,

Sorry about not knowing your real name which can I guess Brittney . -.- anyway, before I get side tracked. Again I shall start off by introducing myself to ???

So now that you have learnt all about Karen, you might want to know a few things about me here on Marapets, just so you know that you're not going to send your beloved Edyn to a complete stupid head (Excuse my language)

I started Marapets in America around 5 years ago...again it was all very fuzzy. But then I got banned due to someone, but my grudge is released because LOOK at Vay! She???s an angel hence her costume, she was given to me by a VERY dear friend of mine after I got banned, so I know I???m pretty greedy but I might just give Edyn to her. ..and I am an uber active member, yes, at 14. I am absolutely addicted to Marapets and come on at least, once a day, if only to check my shop till to see if my makeup had sold. It hadn???t :[

:3 Anyway, back to me and marapets...and everything else...I love all my pets ! And I???ve been trying to restock for potions, but some people don???t let me have a break! Lol jk jk .
Everything on my account that you see has all been worked for.

Anyway, you cannot imagine my surprise when I saw Edyn being given away, GIMME! Lol nah just playin.
I forgot everything else, restock and maramailing!

Edyn the little punk baby! She???s a cute little sindi isn???t she now! And so I wanted her, but like I said I just might give her to a WONERFUL friend of mine.

So yes, you guessed it, I WANT EDYN, You'll never know! Because I do see A LOT of people who are just as wanting her as I do.

Alright well on a more formal note....

SPANKS! very much much for the opportunity to show you I really would love Edyn.

for this grand opportune, and good luck to all little applicants who have a gleam in their eye and hope in their heart...etc, etc. And so I shall end my magnificently imaginative app right here

Yours sincerely,
Karen <3333

The end , pshaw!

And everyone else Goodluck! And spanks!
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 15:52
Hello, my name is Lucky and as you already know, I'm here to apply for Edyn. I don't normally apply for pets(I find the process so hectic), but this time the name just spoke to me and I couldn't resist. I get on every single day without fail, so I am a very active member. I have also been playing for a good solid 3 years now, but I'm not really good at pets and such, so your sindi would be greatly appreciated if you were to choose me . I would not trade Edyn unless the offer was like an angel chibs, because her name is just that great! You're very lucky to have her as a pet, but since you have decided to give her away we are lucky that we even have the chance to app for her. Thank you for your generosity and consideration! You are very goood person
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 15:49
241 days ago a beautiful baby girl punk sindi called Edyn was born. Weighing at 400kg and the height of 3 metres Edyn was defencless, weak and slow and couldnt do anything for herself. 241 days later Edyn was strong with 2 stats, defensive with 1 stat and fast with 1 stat, her owner britney worked very hard to keep her happy but sadly britney decided it was time of Edyn to go...!
Hello, my name is Bailey, i hope you enjoyed my little introduction, i tried very hard on it. I would love to have Edyn because im trying to make an army of cotton candy pets, and i havent yet got a sindi, so yes ..if i did get Edyn i would change her costume to cotton candy so she would still be at pretty as can be. I would look after Edyn very well and love and care for her the best i can, she would fit perfectly in my marapet family, and all my pets would love her.
If i won Edyn i would be very proud of her and i dont think i would be able to thank you enough, it must be a hard decision to get rid of a beautiful sindi such as Edyn, i have gave away a few pets in the past and i know how it feels to let them go .
I guess this is the end of my app, i hope you enjoyed reading ..Thanks for this oppotunity to get a sindi...
Lots Of Love
Bailey <3 xxx
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 15:48
Hola! Como estas? Me llamo Katie :]

Anyhoo, as I already said, I'm Katie. I've been playing marapets for almost 5 years. (whoot! I kinda doubt that my app will be anywhere near as good as most of these others, but I suppose it's worth a shot.

Here is a little about me. I get on mara nearly everyday, and I am usually on the forums section of mara now, because my first few years of being a member here I worked on improving my account and whatnot.

You probably found that very boring... So why I want Edyn is because she is awesome. (thats my favorite word xD) She has an awesome costume, she's got an awesome name, and it would be extremely awesome if she would be mine. I would just keep her on my account, and I doubt I would ever trade her. But I have to be honest, if an amazing offer came up, I might accept... At least I'm tell the truth and not trying too hard to be perfect and stuff.

Well I guess thats it, so good luck choosing an owner!

114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 15:41
Hey my name is Bri and I have been playing mara for many years now and I love it! I come on all the time and I am trying to complete my wonderful mara family. I am going to be a sophmore in college this year which is really exciting but i will always have time for mara Edyn would be a perfect permie pet. I love sindis alot and I would take wonderful care of him!I am fun loving, friendly, helpful and easy going. Edyn would be very happy with me end of story lol. Thank you so much!
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 15:38
  1. Edyn
    18th Aug 2010 14:38
    14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago