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  1. Edyn
    18th Aug 2010 14:38
    14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
18th Aug 2010 14:38

Yes I am giving her away.

Please give me a good app.

I am giving her away quickly so please app fast.

I am choosing at 17:00:00

Have fun!

Hi, I'm Dana, and I think I just fell in love.
Edyn is an all around beautiful pet! She has a very pretty name, it's like Eden Also, she's a sindi, and they're very cute! Lastly, she's got a cool punk cossie on. I've never owned a sindi, and I would be very grateful if you chose me to be her owner! I'm not gonna say "Oh, I'll feed her and take care of her and never trade her! I'll love her forever!" Because that's not true. Honestly, I probably WOULD trade, for 2 well named mordos or something, because ever since I joined, mordos have been my favorite pet. As you can see from my blog, I have even set up a donation fund, to help me buy mordo potions, and stat them and such.
It would be extremely amazing if you gave me Edyn, for a chance to expand my mordo collection. Well I'm going to end this, cause I'm rambling. Thank you so much for this opportunity! You are so generous <3
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:58
Hiya! I'm Bri (:. I'm sixteen. Obviously, I'm here to apply for Edyn. I started playing Marapets back in 2006, but I quit until just recently. Nonetheless, I'm an experienced player :3. It doesn't take too long to get back into the flow of things, hehe. I love to write, read, draw, and figure skate. I'm a real grammar Nazi in the sense that I hate it when people type like... All weird. Seriously, how hard is it to type "you" instead of "u"? But I digress..
I hate the dentist >:l (I went to the dentist today and they said I need oral surgery.. Rofl.. Yay.. XP)

Anyway! Edyn. She's very well-named and she has a great costume! I'd love to own her (:. I'm not much of a fan of statting pets, or portalling them. I'm more of one of those people that just looks at her pets and goes "I'm satisfied." I can't promise I would never trade her away. I don't think that's a realistic promise, because every person has their price, you know? However, I definitely wouldn't trade her RIGHT away. She would probably be with me for a good while, considering that I'm quite fond of her already. I'm probably fond of her because I love scene and punks in real life, even though I'm not one of them. Their style is fantastic in my opinion. I love piercings and tattoos and odd creativity. But meh I'm getting off topic XD. Obviously she would be taken care of, and I'd love to welcome her into my marafamily.

Teehee, thanks for reading this application :3 I hope you consider me, and good luck to anyone else that applies!
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:56
Hey there Im Kitty! Well why i want your lovely sindi is to give to my best friend on mara <3 her name is May(mail me for username) and she has done so much for me, she gave me a pink costume for my troit, she bought an angel wig and gave it to my siter(duckiebinbutt) and she gave me a white costume <3
She is one of the nicest people on mara and i really would like to re-pay her with something and i think Edyn would be a lovely suprise for her.
If i won Edyn id send her right away. Edyn is lovely and she is a fan of sindis so Edyn i a perfect match for her =]
Thank you so much for reading i really hope you consisder!
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:56
oh my gosh. Edyn is beautiful. I used to have a sindi but I traded. Oh right, my name is Alex. I am using safari so I have a word limit. terribly sorry about that. Anyways I joined mara in 2007 but that account was banned and i don't know why. I made this account on July 2nd, 2009. I quit for a while and just came back in May. When I came back in May I had no limited editions and no MP. In the past few months I have completed the circus mission, potioned abriya myself, and earned the rest of my pets. Right now my current goal is to turn Aizelle into a chibs. My fund currently has 400k mp. I am far from it.
Now about Edyn. Yeah I am gonna use the right gender. Edyn is a female punk sindi. But you already know that. I will not trade for a while. I have sworn not to trade my pets until after I have potioned Aizelle. So your sindi is safe for a few months. I do not see myself ever trading Edyn but you never know. The future can not be predicted now and you never know what it holds. So honestly I may trade Edyn in the future. If i do I can shoot you a mm first and see whether I can or whether I should send back to you. I also won't go on and on about me feeding her and taking care of her. I will cure when sick and do the basic stuff but that isn't why you should pick me. You should pick me because I am trusting and responsible.
I have got to go to soccer now but mm me if I win.
Soccer practice time.
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:53
What a lovely name. <3
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I'm May. ;]
Well I do have amazing pets already, but Edyn would fit perfectly in with my collection. I adore Sindis...I actually think they are my favorite...or Yunis. XD
Well I'll definitely Costume her something else...Maybe Fairy.That would look gorgeous! I might stat her a bit...who knows. I usually don't trade my pets because I become too attached to them. Haha. It's a problem...sometimes. I've actually worked hard for everything I have. Most of my pets I had to buy potions for. To get Rajute I had to spend 7 mil, but in the end it was all worth it.
Right now my Goal is to change Ferlen into a Hobo Chibs...that might take awhile. Haha. :]
Thank you for this opportunity.
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:51
Hello I'm apping for Edyn.

Let me start off this app with about me.
Hi I'm Lexie or Lex and my dream pets are Ecruws, Yunis, and Sindis.
I'm 37 months and I trying to get a sindi. I love your Sindi Edyn and the costume. She is adorable and I would love to have her.
What I would do with her.
Stat her. I would stat her up and Never EVER trade her for anything. Having her would mean so much to me and.... Yeah I'm lost for words
If I got her you wouldn't have to worry about anything.
Thank you
Good luck choosing. Please keep me in mind.
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:50
My name is Aisha and I would just love to adopt your incredible punk princess sindi Edyn.
I have been on marapets for three years and have worked in achiving getting many of my dream pets.
I would just love to have a sindi become part of my family.
I will try to make this quick because time is running out,but I will be a great owner to her,care for her and she will always be a happy member of our wonderful family.
So from all of us,please consider our little group when choosing a new owner for Edyn. Thanks alot.

114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:48

i remember when the punk range camee out... my eyes were fixed on a punk sindi i was one trade away from getting one bet then they were banned i have been trying to get one for ages but yet all my atempts have been useless if you gave edyn to me i would stat her and never trade her and NEVER change her cossie as she is my dream pet.

i really hope you concider me

tiny xx
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:46
ok good becASUE IM VERY IMPAITIENT OOPS CAP. ok im restarting! My name is madison ive been on mara for about 1.5 years i have 2.4 dream pets. I used to play voilen and softball,and i have 3 dogs and a duck named Sixer. If i got the oppertunity to have Edyn i would ether trade her for a emo sindi or justbuy the costume because thats on of my dream pets, im the first i think to apply so glchoosing and ill boost the board. thanks for the chance and id love to have her in my mara family, il make a sucky poem now hope you like,

E is for everything i love about her
d is for duh who wouldnt love her
y is for you should give her to me(jk)
n is for now il makecookies to celebrate!
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:46
Hello Im chloe,

Im apping for Edyn. She is a very beautiful named pet. In addition to her name, she has a few key points I like.Possibly, A beautiful complexion, sadly no. However, she is an amazing le. I love her costume and although this sounds kinda stupid, I love her little face, its not pretty but kinda blends in. Thats all i have to say.

Thank you.
114 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2010 14:44
  1. Edyn
    18th Aug 2010 14:38
    14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago