Temple 5 costs

14 years & 7 months ago
26th Aug 2010 09:09Level 1 - Grey Addoro - 297,880mp
Reward - temple cake
Level 2 - Purple Addese - 65,999mp
Reward -20,000mp
Level 3 - Red Quibs - 499,999
Reward - Simerian Charm Necklace
Level 4 - Blue Yakuth - 220,910MP
Level 5 - Orange Jessutt - 500,000mp
Reward - simerian toy flute
Level 6 - Yellow Gordo - is 494,985MP
Reward - 50,000
Level 7 - Red Fendol -499,986
Reward - 1 level stat
Level 8 - Brown Ushunoro - 480,000
Reward - Transumption Temple Vase
Level 9 - Brown Renuw - 499,000mp
Reward - 75,000
Level 10 - Red Wassup - 498,000
Reward - 2 coordination stats!
Level 11 - Grey Tantow - 419,000
Reward - 2 Strenth Stats!
Level 12 - Black Quibbs - 495,999
Brown roflow - 500k ish
Reward - 100,000
Level 13- Green lindow - 150k ish
White Grinido - 500k
Reward - 5 charisma stats!
Level 14 - Pink Grindow 0mp Green Azeido - 150k
Reward Simerian History Vol 5
level 15 Purple Grinido - 100k Red Knoro - 44,497MP
level 16 Blue azeido- won blue DNA + made
Black Murfow - won Blue DNA- made then FF (around 6 attempts)
Level 17: yellow aziedo - Dna and falls
Orange wookle - Dna and falls
Reward 3 speed stats