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  1. Magazines I need (updated)
    17th Sep 2011 00:50
    13 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  2. Newspapers I need (updated)
    16th Sep 2011 10:45
    13 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  3. avatars - notes to self
    27th Aug 2011 05:42
    13 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  4. Magazines and Newspapers
    11th Apr 2011 01:07
    13 years, 11 months & 1 day ago
  5. Rubbish Dump
    27th Mar 2011 22:55
    13 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  6. MSM Item Swap
    14th Jan 2011 09:54
    14 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  7. MSM Plates Swap
    14th Jan 2011 08:06
    14 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  8. Photos I need
    14th Jan 2011 07:51
    14 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  9. MSM/AF Photo Swap
    13th Jan 2011 11:16
    14 years & 2 months ago
  10. Learnies Sirtaki needs (updated)
    28th Dec 2010 03:27
    14 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
Battle Opponents Table
14 years, 3 months & 21 days ago
22nd Nov 2010 10:51

For my own reference:

5 Cracked *** Easter Egg Hunt 2006
6 Wee (x) *** Mini Battle AU
7 Kevadra *** 2007 War prize
7 Muskit *** 2007 War redemption shop
7 Rusty (x) *** 2006 AU
7 Swondor *** 2007 War redemption shop
8 Snot Newth *** Feb 2009 AU
9 Nille (x) *** Pirate Ship
9 Uayl (x) *** TC Shop
10 Rabid Fasoro (x) *** Newsletter
10 Santa (x) *** random Secret Santa prize
10 Snowman Twin (x) *** random Snowman quest prize
10 Sumo Feliz (x) *** loyalty prize for playing 11 months
10 Wizadrip *** 2007 War prize
10 Zard *** Rapunzel
10 Lxi *** Fairy AU
15 Tuin (x) *** TC Shop
17 Linuw (x) *** TC Shop
17 Housse (x) ***TC Shop
17 Kleptome *** referral prize
19 Santa Claws (x) *** random Santa Claws quest prize
21 Muscles *** Olympic redemption shop
21 Zeew (x) *** TC Shop
22 Thirugon (x) *** TC Shop
25 Hithe (x) *** TC Shop
26 Rubhd (x) *** TC Shop
28 Can *** Marapop event 2006
28 Easter Bunny *** Smuggling
28 Snowball *** Nov 2009 AU
29 Qikre (x) *** TC Shop
31 Acne *** 2005 AU
31 Crinkal *** 2007 War Prize
31 Eleka Minions *** 2007 War Prize
31 Nocto *** Whirlpool AU 2006
31 Phospho *** Millionaire's Shop
32 Runty (x) *** Mini Battle AU
32 Yaoe (x) *** TC Shop
33 City Hobo (x) *** City of Marada War 2011
34 Mommi (x) *** Troll mission prize
34 Jet *** Smuggling
34 Test Tube (x) *** Mad Scientist Battle AU
36 Cheddar (x) *** TC Shop
36 Flitter (x) *** Fireworks Battle AU
37 Hasani (x) *** Kamilah Battle AU
38 Clown (x) *** TC Shop
38 Snow Fight *** Dec 2007 AU
40 Mozo (x) *** TC Shop
40 City Accountant (x) *** City of Marada War 2011
45 Reisand *** Rapunzel
47 Betsoni (x) *** TC Shop
48 Bigne (x) *** TC Shop
50 Xor (x) *** Ublish mission
51 Krick *** Sparkle AU 2009
52 Abolous (x) *** TC Shop
52 Ogul (x) *** TC Shop
53 Thunder (x) *** Rainy Battle AU
57 Nutcracker (x) *** Christmas event 2010
60 Iolan (x) *** Pirate Ship
60 City Realtor *** City of Marada War 2011
61 Meager (x) *** Mini Battle AU
62 Bad Chocolate *** Valentine AU 2009
63 Pessen (x) *** TC Shop
63 Twree *** Smuggling
66 Gavula (x) *** Rapunzel
68 Vibue *** Smuggling
69 Cowboy *** Cowboy AU 2009
69 Don Pefuto (x) *** TC Shop
70 Sandman (x) *** Sleepy Battle AU
72 Lightning (x) *** Rainy Battle AU
74 Gross *** Insideout AU 2007
76 Elger *** Easter Egg Hunt 2007
80 Toothache (x) *** TC Shop
81 Hades *** Temple of Transuranics
81 Inflate *** Balloon Party 2010 event
82 Mount (x) *** TC Shop
85 Twigee (x) *** TC Shop
86 Candy Floss *** Cotton Candy AU
86 Ice Gnome *** Ice Fairy AU
88 Flamed *** Flaming AU 2005
88 Squit (x) *** TC Shop
90 Wugor (x) *** TC Shop
91 Tresure (x) *** TC Shop
92 Poseidon (x) *** Temple of Transubstantiation
93 City Major (x) *** City of Marada War 2011
94 Cat Burglar (x) *** TC Shop
96 Tichu (x) *** Anime AU
102 Waste (x) *** Mad Scientist Battle AU
103 Dash (x) *** TC Shop
103 Obese Fairy (x) *** Prize for eating 550 gourmet food
109 Cake (x) *** Birthday hunt winner
109 Goblar *** Goblin AU
109 Lotus (x) *** Kamilah Battle AU
115 Rapunzel (x) *** Rapunzel
118 City Banker *** City of Marada War 2011
119 Sumo Sally (x) *** Sumo Sally quest random prize
120 Villain *** 2009 AU
122 Punk Xoi (x) *** Punk AU
126 Hungry Bolimo (x) *** random Travis Truck quest prize
127 Elder *** Antiques Shop
127 Oke *** Rapunzel
128 Sniffer (x) *** Spy Battle AU
152 Hot Dog *** Pumpkin Hunt 2008
153 Caveman *** Stoneage AU 2006
158 Perchuka (x) *** TC Shop
160 Insomniac (x) *** Sleepy Battle AU
162 Murderer *** Killer AU
170 Monsoon (x) *** Rainy Battle AU
171 RIP *** retired from Antiques shop, available in smuggling
173 Nightmare (x) *** Sleepy Battle AU
175 Shadow *** Gothic AU 2005
[[179 City Bailiff *** City of Marada War 2011 - not a TC]]
184 Boo (x) *** Trick or Treat Elger 2010
188 Fungus (x) *** Dukka Piracy event prize
188 Bomb (x) *** Fireworks Battle AU
189 Yeti (x) *** TC Shop
190 Naunet (x) *** Kamilah Battle AU
190 Grinch (x) *** Advent Calendar 2009
191 Hero *** 2009 AU
192 Agent (x) *** Spy Battle AU
202 Raa *** Rapunzel
213 Mrog *** Temple of Transvaluation
219 Zeus (x) *** Temple of Transformation

219 Bailiff *** City Stimulus Shop
235 Operative (x) *** Spy Battle AU
254 Pyramid *** Kamilah Pyramid
260 Plutonium (x) *** Mad Scientist Battle AU
293 Daemon (x) *** Pumpkin hunt 2010 winner
295 Undying *** Undying Fairy AU
383 Explosive (x) *** Fireworks Battle AU
510 Devil *** Millionaire's Shop

List of HP taken from Alcyone's battle site, and added from battle forum (for cards I added myself, it's max. damage +2 for safety). Where they come from is in parts taken from Smellybean's site and added from news posts

in alphabetical order:
52 Abolous (x) *** TC Shop
31 Acne *** 2005 AU
192 Agent (x) *** Spy Battle AU
62 Bad Chocolate *** Valentine AU 2009
219 Bailiff *** City Stimulus Shop
47 Betsoni (x) *** TC Shop
48 Bigne (x) *** TC Shop
188 Bomb (x) *** Fireworks Battle AU
184 Boo (x) *** Trick or Treat Elger 2010
109 Cake (x) *** Birthday hunt winner
28 Can *** Marapop event 2006
86 Candy Floss *** Cotton Candy AU
94 Cat Burglar (x) *** TC Shop
153 Caveman *** Stoneage AU 2006
36 Cheddar (x) *** TC Shop
40 City Accountant *** City of Marada War 2011
33 City Hobo *** City of Marada War 2011
93 City Major (x) *** City of Marada War 2011
60 City Realtor *** City of Marada War 2011
118 City Banker *** City of Marada War 2011
179 City Bailiff *** City of Marada War 2011
38 Clown (x) *** TC Shop
69 Cowboy *** Cowboy AU 2009
5 Cracked *** Easter Egg Hunt 2006
31 Crinkal *** 2007 War Prize
293 Daemon (x) *** Pumpkin hunt 2010 winner
103 Dash (x) *** TC Shop
510 Devil *** Millionaire's Shop
69 Don Pefuto (x) *** TC Shop
28 Easter Bunny *** Smuggling
127 Elder *** Antiques Shop
31 Eleka Minions *** 2007 War Prize
76 Elger *** Easter Egg Hunt 2007
383 Explosive (x) *** Fireworks Battle AU
88 Flamed *** Flaming AU 2005
36 Flitter (x) *** Fireworks Battle AU
188 Fungus (x) *** Dukka Piracy event prize
66 Gavula (x) *** Rapunzel
109 Goblar *** Goblin AU
190 Grinch (x) *** Advent Calendar 2009
74 Gross *** Insideout AU 2007
81 Hades *** Temple of Transuranics
37 Hasani (x) *** Kamilah Battle AU
191 Hero *** 2009 AU
25 Hithe (x) *** TC Shop
152 Hot Dog *** Pumpkin Hunt 2008
17 Housse (x) ***TC Shop
126 Hungry Bolimo (x) *** random Travis Truck quest prize
86 Ice Gnome *** Ice Fairy AU
81 Inflate *** Balloon Party 2010 event
160 Insomniac (x) *** Sleepy Battle AU
60 Iolan (x) *** Pirate Ship
34 Jet *** Smuggling
7 Kevadra *** 2007 War prize
17 Kleptome *** referral prize
51 Krick *** Sparkle AU 2009
72 Lightning (x) *** Rainy Battle AU
17 Linuw (x) *** TC Shop
109 Lotus (x) *** Kamilah Battle AU
10 Lxi *** Fairy AU
61 Meager (x) *** Mini Battle AU
34 Mommi (x) *** Troll mission prize
170 Monsoon (x) *** Rainy Battle AU
82 Mount (x) *** TC Shop
40 Mozo (x) *** TC Shop
213 Mrog *** Temple of Transvaluation
162 Murderer *** Killer AU
21 Muscles *** Olympic redemption shop
7 Muskit *** 2007 War redemption shop
190 Naunet (x) *** Kamilah Battle AU
173 Nightmare (x) *** Sleepy Battle AU
9 Nille (x) *** Pirate Ship
31 Nocto *** Whirlpool AU 2006
57 Nutcracker (x) *** Christmas event 2010
103 Obese Fairy *** Prize for eating 550 gourmet food
52 Ogul (x) *** TC Shop
127 Oke *** Rapunzel
235 Operative (x) *** Spy Battle AU
158 Perchuka (x) *** TC Shop
63 Pessen (x) *** TC Shop
31 Phospho *** Millionaire's Shop
260 Plutonium *** Mad Scientist Battle AU
92 Poseidon (x) *** Temple of Transubstantiation
122 Punk Xoi (x) *** Punk AU
254 Pyramid *** Kamilah Pyramid
29 Qikre (x) *** TC Shop
171 RIP *** retired from Antiques shop, available in smuggling
202 Raa *** Rapunzel
10 Rabid Fasoro *** Newsletter
115 Rapunzel *** Rapunzel
45 Reisand *** Rapunzel
26 Rubhd (x) *** TC Shop
32 Runty (x) *** Mini Battle AU
7 Rusty (x) *** 2006 AU
70 Sandman (x) *** Sleepy Battle AU
10 Santa (x) *** random Secret Santa prize
19 Santa Claws (x) *** random Santa Claws quest prize
175 Shadow *** Gothic AU 2005
128 Sniffer (x) *** Spy Battle AU
8 Snot Newth *** Feb 2009 AU
38 Snow Fight *** Dec 2007 AU
28 Snowball *** Nov 2009 AU
10 Snowman Twin (x) *** random Snowman quest prize
88 Squit (x) *** TC Shop
119 Sumo Sally (x) *** Sumo Sally quest random prize
10 Sumo Feliz (x) *** loyalty prize for playing 11 months
7 Swondor *** 2007 War redemption shop
34 Test Tube *** Mad Scientist Battle AU
22 Thirugon (x) *** TC Shop
53 Thunder (x) *** Rainy Battle AU
96 Tichu (x) *** Anime AU
80 Toothache (x) *** TC Shop
91 Tresure (x) *** TC Shop
15 Tuin (x) *** TC Shop
85 Twigee (x) *** TC Shop
63 Twree *** Smuggling
9 Uayl (x) *** TC Shop
295 Undying *** Undying Fairy AU
68 Vibue *** Smuggling
120 Villain *** 2009 AU
102 Waste *** Mad Scientist Battle AU
6 Wee (x) *** Mini Battle AU
10 Wizadrip *** 2007 War prize
90 Wugor (x) *** TC Shop
50 Xor (x) *** Ublish mission
32 Yaoe (x) *** TC Shop
189 Yeti (x) *** TC Shop
10 Zard *** Rapunzel
21 Zeew (x) *** TC Shop
219 Zeus (x) *** Temple of Transformation

  1. Magazines I need (updated)
    17th Sep 2011 00:50
    13 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  2. Newspapers I need (updated)
    16th Sep 2011 10:45
    13 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  3. avatars - notes to self
    27th Aug 2011 05:42
    13 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  4. Magazines and Newspapers
    11th Apr 2011 01:07
    13 years, 11 months & 1 day ago
  5. Rubbish Dump
    27th Mar 2011 22:55
    13 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  6. MSM Item Swap
    14th Jan 2011 09:54
    14 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  7. MSM Plates Swap
    14th Jan 2011 08:06
    14 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  8. Photos I need
    14th Jan 2011 07:51
    14 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  9. MSM/AF Photo Swap
    13th Jan 2011 11:16
    14 years & 2 months ago
  10. Learnies Sirtaki needs (updated)
    28th Dec 2010 03:27
    14 years, 2 months & 16 days ago