2010 Dan- Swonder trading card <3 Jiishi- Iolan Trading Card <3 Ray- Easter costume <3 Arose- Iolan Trading Card xD <3 Sizz- Vacation Female Costume and Worm Digging Giftbox O <3 Kat- Gavula Trading card <3 Aries- Poseidon Trading Card and Hasani Trading Card and 30 crystals OO <3 Lexi- 12 crystals <33 Joey- classy dress <3 MrP- Mommi Trading Card and 5 diamonds <3 MMom- 500k O <3 Sista- i forgot..what was it? like 3 EPGB, Aldivia and RP i think OOO <333 Aunt D- ALOT of mp RP and BP <333 Em- Vextra <33
ILY ALL hope you guys have a great christmas and happy new year!
2011 Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Insomniac Trading Card, max strength booster, max health booster, fireworks booster from Lily!
Dear hotchick195 you have been sent a million and one diamonds from Jax!
Dear hotchick195 you have been sent some crystals and diamonds from pickletopia!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Olympics Giftbox from Ann! and [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/20p8rj7.png[/img]
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Princess Booster from De!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Magic Booster from De!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a 21 crystals from De!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Stamina Booster from Sal!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a coordination Booster from Sal!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Devil Azul Potion from blitzen!
[IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/xqgwa0.gif[/IMG] from Jiishi
Karan has sent you the pet Landed.
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent crystals and 100k from Em!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Health Booster from james!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Max Health Booster from Rye!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent crystals and diamonds from Joy! Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Olympics Giftbox from Joy!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Max Stamina Booster from Hayley! and [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/1zpmn1z.jpg [/img]
Joey is sending you... 6,000,000 Marapoints
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Eleka Minions Trading Card from Ariel!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Hippie Wig from Taraka! Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Purple Troit Potion from Taraka! Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Grey Farley from Taraka!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Anime from Kali!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a pirate costume from CC!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Christmas Tree Costume from Aries! Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Vortex Costume from Aries! Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Sleepy Costume from Aries! Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Explorer Costume from Aries!
2012 [img]http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag60/LovelyxAlly/Dolls/Example02_zps449966a3.png[/img] ~ From Ally
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Desert Spy Trading Card from james! <3
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Dark Costume from Hayley! <3
2013 Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Max Level Booster from James!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Female chibs costume from Carrie!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Advent Candle male costume from Mandy!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Advent Candle Female costume from Mike! (napalm)
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Snowman costume from Clivo!
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Princess booster from Ario! x6
Dear hotchick195 You have been sent a Red Panda Costume from Mark!
2014 Dear Gia You have been sent a Alien Blaster from Ria! Dear Gia You have been sent a Chibi Costume from Ria!
2015 Sent: Rosie/Rosieteapots - Electric Violin Angie - Electric Violin Susi - Soggy book, Oglue lunch game, Diamond Belly Ring bassgirlginger/Joyce - Zig Zag Scar Tattoo, Cut Legs Tattoo, Funsize Blue Candies Jananae/Janelle - Dark Green Fortune Cookie, Gourmet Four Leaf Clover Mark - Zetzilla Eye Stamp James - Grinch plushie Mags - Butterfly wings Carrie - thunder costume Em - Crow dress
Received Dear Gia You have been sent a Wreath Plushie from Lovely! Dear Gia You have been sent a Candy Costume from SuperWasp! Dear Gia You have been sent a Alice Dress from SuperWasp! Dear Gia You have been sent a Dragon Costume from SuperWasp! Dear Gia You have been sent a Lord Splishy Splashy Trading Card from SuperWasp! Dear Gia You have been sent a Pancake Shirt from bassgirlginger! Dear Gia You have been sent a Cupcake stamp from Bane!
Em-Vextra. :]
114 years & 25 days ago 20th Feb 2011 01:33
>_> stalker.
114 years, 1 month & 22 days ago 23rd Jan 2011 02:19