RP Wolf Characters- Opreana

14 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
21st Jan 2011 21:21LEADER:
Clan-Forest Clan
Description-Vulpse is a sassy and beautiful red, black, and white she-wolf. She is a confident leader and that usually gets in her in trouble. She tends to be a bit arrogant, but all in all she cares about her pack and want the best for them. She is an excellent fighter and has a lot of spark. Vulpse's power is the power to breathe fire, although her power is limited: she may only use it when she is about to be killed.
Clan:Sky Clan
Description-Shayla is a blue and white she-wolf. She has white fur with blue wings and blue markings under her blue eyes. She is a very trustworthy and dependable healer, though she is very young. She is extremely curious, and sometimes she just feels as if the world rests on her shoulder. However, she does well under pressure. Shayla's power is her ability to know every single herb and remedy to heal a wolf.
Clan: Forest Clan
Description-Riku is a white male wolf with some tan markings above his eyes and on his chest. He has piercing white eyes. Riku is blind and he is very insecure about it. He uses his power of Earth to feel and see things through the Earth. His other power is the power to read other's aurora's and see other wolves true colors.
Clan-Sky Clan
Description-Nala is a very light and happy she-wolf. She is mostly orange with some brown and white. Her wings are brown with white markings and she has pretty yellow eyes. She is a very happy wolf and often looks for the best in things and cheers many people up. Though, whenever something is terribly wrong, she tries to push it away and hide it and this causes problems because it kills her inside. Her power is hearing things even when she is well far away.
Clan:Sky Clan
Description-Duko is a very bubbly and bouncy pawful of trouble. He is brown with some white and some light brown spots on his face. He has charming blue eyes and is definitely a trouble maker. He is extremely curious and just NEEDS to know everything. Sometimes, his curiosity brings him into things he shouldn't be involved in.