TSC- Day Five

14 years & 19 days ago
24th Feb 2011 08:30I'm basically in love with RSing right now. I don't even have to try too hard, and I'm kind of making bank. Last night at 3 AM(I was writing a paper lol, I am not routinely up at that time) I RSed a bit, and emptied my Shop Till of around 200k.
Today when I went in and checked it,
I had already make 376k. Like, that's not even a full night's sleep.
Thank you, Obese Fairy. I am not sure how long this will last, maybe only a couple days, but even so, it's been great.
Bank- 10,000,653MP
I HIT TEN MILLION. I think I've hit that once before, but it's exciting because due to this challenge, I want to try to keep my minimum bank balance at 10 mill from now on.
Since yesterday, I made
1mill MP.
Since I started this Challenge, on
February 20th, I've made
4,300,000 MP.