I'm only gonna make MARAPET themed signatures so no 'MY DOG' 'MY CAT' 'MY FRIEND' 'MY DOGS CATS FRIEND'
Got it?
Heres the form;
BACKGROUND COLOUR (Choose two or 3 that will go with each other):
IMAGE EDIT? (State what you want on it and I can try. Blood stains etc)
TEXT THEME (Spooky, fun, showy etc):
COST (No, 'I'll decide when I see it' 'I'll think about it'):
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The examples are there. Thats how good/bad/great/terrible they will turn out.
I'm in need of MP, so don't rip me off and say, '100MP'
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ONLY MM me if I don't respond within a day!! Got it?
Thanks ^.^ Baaai
i will be needing a signature can u make it an image of a princess newth and say "Zeleza"? mm me if yes or no
111 years, 10 months & 16 days ago 3rd Apr 2013 01:35
113 years, 10 months & 24 days ago 26th Mar 2011 14:36