Me. 8D

13 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
26th Jun 2011 22:00Hello thar. This is some information and stuff about xD
My name is Ashleigh, though I have a few nicknames. Spork, Clucky, AshyBatashi, Ash, Ashy, Boysenberry, Elmo. You can call me either Ashleigh, or any of those nick names.
My age is between Zero and One thousand.
I live under your bed. :3
I have five birds; Three Sun-Conures, One Blue Indian Ring Neck and One Grey and White Cockatiel.
Their names are Phoenix, Bobby, Bongo, Indy and Chicken.
I like Baseball, Video Games, Anime, Soccer, Computer, Animals, My friends, Chocolate, Candy, Role Playing, Reading.
There's not many things that I don't like.
I have a little brother, and two older sister's. I love the show Supernatural.
My favorite Bands/Singers:
Green Day
My Chemical Romance
Panic! At The Disco
And more that I can't think of at the moment.
Um...yeah, that's pretty much it for now. Until then..toodles! 8D