
13 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
22nd Jul 2011 07:26Ruben lay lazily on his sofa, his hands resting behind his head. Staying inside sure beat going out there, even if he did live in a cramped one room apartment, at least at home he didn't get people calling him a freak or a monster. That included the gifted population, and to be honest it was a good thing he was a quick healer since he had been beaten up more times than he could count, although that might also have something to do with the fact he didn't exactly always obtain the rent by legal means; which angered a fair amount of people.??
He was tall and lanky - skinny really - his skin was pale looking; even more so because of his straight black hair which was side swept to the left. Protruding from this were a pair of cat like ears one of which having a small tear in which still hurt. Rubens eyes were yellow with black slit pupils and were framed with dark lashes.??He was presently wearing a light grey t-shirt, a pair of dark skinny jeans and a black leather jacket. He also wore a pair of fingerless gloves. He'd been wearing these clothes for a couple of days now, however he wasn't spoilt for choice where fashion was concerned, an if he were honest he didn't care. Ruben had as well some piercings including several on his right ear, one stud on his left and snake bites. Another cat like feature of his messed up appearance was his tail which was sleek and black like his hair.??
Eventually Ruben got to his feet hearing the sound of a rat running across the floorboards, his eyes quickly pinpointing the small creature. A crocked smile crept on his face as he silently crouched down, knowing the rodent was too distracted with the crumbs it had found to notice him. In a second the creature was caught, struggling a biting to free itself. Not likely.