17 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
3rd May 2007 10:52Well my club is now up to 37 members are we're a day away from our layout contest entries having to be in. I've been doing some extensive work to alot of my old layout formats and will be revamping many of them so the new style takes presidence over what I've been doing in the past. I hope the contest I'm holding with my own club and Maracrazy turns out well. Voting starts on the new layouts come the 5th and here's hoping that two members are tickled pink when they see their own layout up in their own club

good luck to everyone who enters and to my own members thanks for
entering good luck

I will post frequently as I am a gabby person.
OH and don't forget if your looking for some odds and ends check out my trades and shop I always have stuff in both LOL

NOTE: Well I think this new blog idea Ian came up with to replace the orginal journals is amazing I was wondering what he was doing since I noticed all the changes in our main about you section of our profiles

here's hoping it looks really cool

once he has allowed the change color scheme/theme to take effect