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  1. 470K MP Giveaway
    13th Nov 2011 12:46
    13 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
470K MP Giveaway
13 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
13th Nov 2011 12:46

Okay, so i'm feeling generous and giving away 470k :3 I don't want you to apply telling me what you'll do with the mp, or anything of that sort. All i'd like you to do, is write maybe an extract of a story. That's it Wide Grin I shall pick my favourite three pieces, and the prizes are as follows:
1st - 350k
2nd - 80k
3rd - 40k

The only rules really are to be literate and to make sure the writing is your own, not that of someone elses, as that is counted as cheating. Get writing! Wide Grin


Everything that she had just hung on her walls was not smashed into the shaking ground. She could barely keep her balance. The dog was awoken, as well as the baby. Everything after that was just a blur. All she remembered was waking up the next day, and being on the news. The strangest story ever: An earthquake, but only at her house.
113 years, 4 months & 1 day ago 13th Nov 2011 15:30
I couldn???t help but wince when the tiny drops of hot coffee splattered upon my wrist as I poured the steamy brown liquid into the cup. It wasn???t nearly as painful as the spill that had caused the back of my hand to turn patchy pink-brown. It happened last week ??? the day my world collapsed. I was cleaning the old salt and pepper shakers with boiling hot water when I slipped??? The scalding water poured all over the back of my right hand and left a nasty burn. Though the tiny drops of coffee were nothing in comparison, the familiarity of something extremely hot on the surface of my skin made me jump.
I placed the steamy cup in front of the man at the table. His face was covered by a thin mask of brown dust. By the looks of his boots, I figured he was a ranch hand who just got off from a hard day???s toil. I tried to focus as I wrote his order down on the back of my brown notepad.
At times, it became very difficult for me to focus. The pain in my heart occasionally throbbed, much like the burn on my hand did for a while.
Was it the birthmark? Is that why he left? I would frequently catch him staring at it, when he thought I didn???t notice. That slight hint of disgust in his eyes was much like those of everyone else who chanced the sight of my face.
I quietly stood in front of the computer, punching in the buttons that completed the man???s order.
The burn scar on my hand was an ugly sight; it looked so similar to the blotch on my face. It???s big and dark and brown. I had it since I was born; my body had been perfectly fine, all except for the patchy deformation upon the right side of my face. The birthmark. Perhaps that is why he left me cold and broken on the steps of my house last week. He wanted to be rid of it as much as I do. Only he actually had the ability to leave it behind; I will be stuck with the cursed mark forever.
I leaned back against the wall, staring out the window to see a brown, murky evening sky. The throbbing pain came back.
Was it the birthmark?
Hope it wasn't too long and that you enjoyed it! ^_^ This was 100% my work!
113 years, 4 months & 1 day ago 13th Nov 2011 15:26
All I remember is running, a stubborn pain in the leg, and my brother. If I would???ve had it my way, we would be safe from the danger that never seems to wain. Its always there lurking in the shadows waiting for its chance to attack. Why must life be so complex, why cant it be a simple life where school work is boring, where a job seems like heaven? Where we would live with our parents and want to fight like normal kids, but we never had the chance. Our parents were whipped off the earth, no one seemed to care about their kids. The kids that will never get a chance in the normal way of living, or make sure a nice pile of food is on their plates. We have to live in the now. I have to steal food when I can for my brother to be feed and happy. I wish I were as simple as him. Nothing to worry about except hunger that nips at me and where nothing seems dangerous except parents that will punish for sneaking a cookie before supper. None of that matters now. We have to get away... we have to... have to...
I jump up at the sound in the ally. They couldn???t have found us yet... we, we were careful we left no trace. How could they have found us, its impossible.....
???theyre here!!??? a voice whispers. If not for my hearing they would have snuck up on us. I look around to find a weapon. Nothing but trash. I tried to make as little noise as possible. We have to fight back we have to get away I wont let them have my brother I will sacrifice myself before they get to him. Finally I found something use full. A beer bottle! Thank god. Maybe getting away will be easier this time.. We might just make it.
I wake my brother and hush him immediately. I push him behind me. If I am in front of him nothing can get him they???ll only get me.
???Angel, I know you???re here, we can sense you. Don???t be afraid were here to help. We here to show what others have yet to show you. Love.??? yeah right they are just getting to you don???t listen! All they want is you and your brother. Don???t let them get your brother! Maybe im going crazy maybe insane... maybe these men can help. But for now we must escape. I break the bottle. What if they have a gun? What if there serious... what if they want to... to help.....?
113 years, 4 months & 1 day ago 13th Nov 2011 13:59
Hi, How are you?
My name is Caffi, I have been playing maraoets for 5 years and im very active.
I would love to have any amount of your mp for my 3 goals.
My first goal is too one day make Caffi into a rofling. I am so far on level 7 on the temple.
My second goal is too stat all my pets really high in both normal and elite stats.
And finally my last goal is too one day have enough olympic points to buy a blue figaro potion, I currently have 5812 Olympic Points.


113 years, 4 months & 1 day ago 13th Nov 2011 13:41
The rich forest, dotted with red-leaved trees, swayed in the wind, leaves swirling from their branches. Archer sighed, it was about as perfect as perfect could be.

She sat down suddenly, as a burst of raw pain shot through her chest. It replaced all her feelings with dread and ache. It was hard to forget, even for a second, what she had been through to get to this point. Her town, destroyed; her mother, dead; she was alone now, not even the caravan of gypsies to help. Shortly after her home was destroyed by hordes of daedra, she and her mother fled and managed to survive alone until they ran into a group of traveling gypsies. Her mother had convinced them that they had valuable skills. Archer was capable of a perfect shot with her bow and brought in dinner many nights. Her mother could mend clothes and bake fairly well. It lasted, but only until a sickness plagued through the caravan, killing many of gypsies along with Archer's mother. Unable to continue there, Archer set off by herself, determined to leave all the sadness behind.
And now here she sat. With absolutely no plan as to what to do next. She squeezed the bridge of her nose; and old habit from when she used to get headaches as a child. She looked across the sky, and a slight pillar of smoke caught her eye.
113 years, 4 months & 1 day ago 13th Nov 2011 13:20
Even if she jumped, they would follow her. But anything was better than being eaten alive. Her mother was probably already starting to worry. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped.
As soon as she landed, she knew that she had made a mistake. Her left arm was stinging. She knew it was sprained. Now, she had almost no chance of staying alive, unless she had enough energy to run home. In frustration, she kicked a pile of leaves. A sharp pain ran up her toes. ???The ground shouldn???t be hard,??? she whispered, ???There has to be something there.???
113 years, 4 months & 1 day ago 13th Nov 2011 13:11
If you are looking for a story that will make you happy and fill you with good fillings then move on because this is more like a tale of woe. When Emily was born her greastness was hiden from all but one. She was stuck as a maid of two gready fat people who claim her as their "child" just to collect the mney she makes. She never knew that Sarah her dear cousin could help her. She thought that she was to scared to stand up for her. Emily felt like the black sheep in the sea of white. But as graduation day grew close her only option is to move 300 miles away from the fatties and Sarah. Even the love of her life pushed her to go even if it means leaving him. He wants her to go for her health not his. In the time she was gone the fatties suffered though their karma as hoarders. Sarah grew close to a guys that loved her as much as Sean does with Emily. And Sean got Emily a surprise. A ring that will bind them together forever. This tale of woe turned into something good but not until the end. So wait and maybe your tale will get better.
113 years, 4 months & 1 day ago 13th Nov 2011 12:59
  1. 470K MP Giveaway
    13th Nov 2011 12:46
    13 years, 4 months & 1 day ago