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  1. 470K MP Giveaway
    13th Nov 2011 12:46
    13 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
470K MP Giveaway
13 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
13th Nov 2011 12:46

Okay, so i'm feeling generous and giving away 470k :3 I don't want you to apply telling me what you'll do with the mp, or anything of that sort. All i'd like you to do, is write maybe an extract of a story. That's it Wide Grin I shall pick my favourite three pieces, and the prizes are as follows:
1st - 350k
2nd - 80k
3rd - 40k

The only rules really are to be literate and to make sure the writing is your own, not that of someone elses, as that is counted as cheating. Get writing! Wide Grin


My story is
BACON why is it so awesome?
God knows why.
Pigs are gangsta
baacon is epic
scruptious epic crunchy tatse delivered by pigs.
Isnt my story just the best?
112 years & 8 months ago 13th Jul 2012 09:11
Thank you so much! Congrats everyone <3
113 years, 3 months & 28 days ago 15th Nov 2011 21:12
Okay, it was a very tough call, but i have decided on my three winners!

In 3rd place... Bettins!
Your piece was extremely good, i especially liked the adjectives used, they really added to it My favourite quote: "the words twisted around in my mind like the churning ocean during a storm"

In 2nd place... fleasevilminion!
I'd love to carry on reading your piece! I found my self very hooked by the time i'd finished reading, it really was great! Lovely imagery used My favourite quote: "The world turned from a carnival of colours into a grey, translucent illusion before my eyes."

And finally, the winner, in 1st place is... Kemiko!
Your piece was outstanding! I loved everything about it, especially the way in which the coffee prompted the memory of the burn Wonderful writing! My favourite quote: "I leaned back against the wall, staring out the window to see a brown, murky evening sky. The throbbing pain came back."

Well done and thank you to everyone who took part, some of the writing was brilliant! The winners will be mailed asap, thank you all! Ava
113 years & 4 months ago 14th Nov 2011 12:44
Sha la la!
I want MP so bad!
I'm saving up for something nice!
Sha la la!
I would appreciate if I won!
Sha la la!
Sha la la!

By Alix c;
113 years & 4 months ago 14th Nov 2011 09:11
Her high cheek bones stood prominently across her face as she grinned a sticky smile while manourvering his arm off her shoulder and twisting it behind his back until she heard him yell.
"And don't, ever touch me again. "
Jordan stumbled to the ground as she sauntered off, giving him one last seductive pout. Boy, he thought, that was one girl to deal with.
113 years & 4 months ago 14th Nov 2011 02:24
Jordan swaggered up to Jenny,
"Sooo, you and Caitlyn, huh? That must be why we've never hooked up." carelessly swinging a muscular tan arm onto her elegant shoulders.
She turned and smiled sweetly at him,
"No. That would be because I hate you. :] "
113 years & 4 months ago 14th Nov 2011 02:22
She was scared on her last day; I could see it in her eyes. Slowly, she was fading. It shouldn???t have ended like this ??? the words twisted around in my mind like the churning ocean during a storm. Despite the pain, I knew in my heart that we would meet again, and together we could be happy.

Tell me what you think! <3 - Betty
113 years & 4 months ago 13th Nov 2011 19:54
I watched her die. Her frail, fragile body surrender in front of my very eyes. Her golden hair that had once shimmered in the morning sun had faded to a dull blonde colour, and her turquoise eyes were no longer filled with imagination and optimism, but with fear. Her rosy cheeks turned pale, as did the rest of her body.

113 years & 4 months ago 13th Nov 2011 19:54
Well, I'm not going to flatter you with some crazy story of how I have a dream pet that I really want and am too lazy to work for, or write a creepy story. That being said, I'd probably use the MP to just have in my account and use for quests and stuff. I only have a whopping 413 MP right now, sooooo yea. I can't really do quests with that....

But yea. That is all
113 years & 4 months ago 13th Nov 2011 17:19
Under the willow tree by the lake we stopped to undress ourselves of our bodies. Wordlessly, we turned our backs to each other, cheeks blooming red with the shame of revealing our mottled skin after all those hours of beauty. Savouring my final moments I edged closer to the water until my feet broke its silent surface. It swirled into the small spaces between my toes, spitting at my ankles with its cold tongue.

Stifling a sigh I peeled the fleshoff me like the skin off an orange.The world turned from a carnival of colours into a grey, translucent illusion before my eyes. The distant symphony warped as if pushed through an ocean. My toes wriggled in empty space. The lake water stilled, oblivious to our existences. We stood there, faces drooped in defeat. Skin withered and eyes sunken. The prospect of an insipid existence creaked in our limbs.

This is how we exist. To forever linger in the darkness, waiting, for the next midsummer to sweep us into the frivolity of life.Waiting, for an unsuspecting girl to gift us with her mortality so that we could live again. Just for one night.
113 years & 4 months ago 13th Nov 2011 17:02
  1. 470K MP Giveaway
    13th Nov 2011 12:46
    13 years, 4 months & 1 day ago