What i recently sent to Mara staff

13 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
24th Jan 2012 13:27Hey

I got banned quit a while ago from my old account, westley1997, for "account sharing". The reason you guys banned me was because I use to help my little brother and sister play on their old accounts. I just had a flashback of everything that happened and you said that account sharing with younger siblings was against the rules, but you guys have recently changed the rules to:
In the case of two people from the same household sharing an account (for example two sisters, or husband/wife), this is also disallowed as it is unfair to other users to have to compete against an account used by two people. Please play fair! We have no problem however with an account being shared with a young child who isn't able to play the site by themselves.
Therefore I was just wondering if I was still banned, or if you guys could make an exception and allow me to get back my old account. Thanks so much for reading this and please respond

I just thought giving you guys a heads up might result in me getting lucky for once

Thanks again
