hmm. well, it feels something like this..

13 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
31st Jan 2012 18:33it feels like you just want to scream and scream and scream and scream until your vocal cords break and your lungs are so utterly and completely out of air that they burn.
and you just want to get out. you don't know what to get out of, but you feel like you're trapped. everywhere. in your house, in your own body. but you can't get out. ever. no matter how hard to you fight this feeling, it always grows stronger. you want to scream louder, and you do. but no one hears it. they wouldn't want to. and you fight and fight and fight to free yourself from the captive state that is your mind, but you can't ever get far enough away.
yep. that's about what it feels like.