WOW glad I got a new job.

13 years & 9 days ago
7th Mar 2012 18:36Well I got a new job (Contract work with BMO and Sobeys *thats a grochery store chain*) helping to promote their new line of credit cards sure it's not the BEST job in the world BUT I get to set my own hours, I am never in the same spot twice in a month, I can get to management position in as little as 9 months if I work hard (which isn't an issue) It's a day job and I got it JUST on time as my former Job with Logitech is closing out!!! OMG, I learned yesterday about this! The head CEO to teletech where the Logitech project was being handled from called me yesterday personally and stated that the project was ending and if I wanted to return I'd have to go to another provience!!! Like OMG! SOOO NOT happening! I was informed that on May 28th all logitech employees were being released and sent on their merry way... it sucks and I WILL miss the job but I am sooo happy I got a new job now instead of later (I was given a heads up about this possible closing of the center back in December so I'm GLAD I listened) and I'm even happier that the CEO called me himself to let me know it was all over. I will miss all my pals there and I wish all of them luck.
ON another note my little angel is now 7 months old and growing like a weed, she learned to crawl on the 5th of Feburary and just 3 days ago she managed to learn how to sit up on her own without falling over.

she's also saying single words now says like Ma, Ba, Da, Get, Out, NO and Up.

She's also figured out it's better to crawl on all 4's instead of like an army man under barbed wire LOL and she's already pulling herself up with the funiture and is so proud of herself when she stands up

Anyway the war is on here in mara yet again and I did pick the light side but we're loosing quite horribly... :S Oh well I suppose I can do my best with what I have considering more people joined Eleka this time around...

I'm having fun earning the points for the cards and stuff in the war shop.