Hunger Games Fanfic

12 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
21st Apr 2012 14:22Intro:
This fanfic is about a girl named Cara Thorn who lives in District 12.
Staring down at the pale woman with the shallow breathing caused more pain than it seemed was worth. But this was essential. She needed to say this. A girl with dirty blonde hair was perched on a stool next to a bed in a small house. Rain hit the windows constantly, and the light in the room was dim and grey. The young girl reached out and touched the womans pale, cold skin. ???Mummy???? she whispered softly, and instantly the figure on the bed stirred. The sickly head of a young woman turned towards the child sitting on the stool, and the soft hazel eyes rested on the anxious face. ???What is it sweetie???? she whispered. The girls??? fingers wrapped around her mothers???, and she felt the tears sting her face. ???Please don???t go mummy.??? the girl whispered, her voice cracking. ???Shh, don???t cry. Listen to me. Look at me.??? The young girls??? blue eyes found her mothers??? brown ones, and they watched each other for a moment. ???Cara. Be strong, ok? Make me proud. Make daddy proud. And take care of yourself.??? The bony fingers of the dying woman squeezed Caras??? feebly. ???Mummy, don???t go! Please! I love you!??? the girl whispered. She couldn???t hold the tears back any longer. They spilled from her blue eyes in a quck flow that fell from her wet cheeks onto her lap. ???I love you too, dear. I love you so much...??? and with that, the womans grip slackened and Caras??? mother was dead.