Personality: Sarcastic and threatening. He tends to brood and loves dark places. He has always said that the darkness is more alluring than the light. He has a hidden soft side, hidden behind the barrier of thorns he has wrapped tightly around his heart. He doesn't usually let people close to him unless they interest him, or if he plans to use them. But if he decides to let someone into his true heart, he never wants to let them go. He doesn't always respect authority, prefferring to do what he wants, when he wants.
Gift: Siren's Song- He can weave intricate mind illusions with his voice. When using this gifted ability, he can make it so his opponet only hears him, and if given long enough, that person becomes his puppet, obeying him without fail. His Achille's heel is that he can only use his voice for, at maximum, a half hour at a time. If he uses it for too long, his throat will cave in. Although he won't die, he would be in extreme pain for weeks while recovering.
Hobbies: It is not widely known that he enjoys writing and reading. He usually holes himself up in his room and writes long winded stories. Most of them are dark, so he never lets anyone read them. Another quirk is that he loves to dance in the rain, but yet again, this is not widely known.
Family: His father- Damien doesn't care much for his father. He will usually go out of his way just to spite him, and often uses his sharp words to infuriate his elder. His mother- He loves his mother with the same passion that he uses to hate his father. His deepest, kindest side is shown when he is around her. He constantly frets about her failing health, and has been summoning doctors from all across the land to see if they can help her. His sister- He has no feelings of either nature for her. He sometimes takes her out with him, but more often than not, he ignores her.
Personality: He is pretty quiet, but he is also very sarcastic. He trusts a little to easily, but he isn't naive. He is able to tell when someone is lying to him. His sister teases him that he is a human lie detector. He tries to be funny, but he doesn't always succeed. Raven also appreciates the little things. He isn't big on extravagant gifts, and he would be happy if someone chose to just get him a nice flavor of tea. He is well admired by those around him, and his charisma is palpable, but he is also humble. He doesn't let things go to his head easily, and he is a down to earth guy.
Other: His favorite smell is rain, and he enjoys fruit.
Personality: She is outspoken, and hates the way her parents view her as an object. She believes in doing things her own way, even if it isn't acceptable in society. She loves her siblings to death. She sometimes cross-dresses as a boy and competes in archery competitions and sword fights. She, unlike Raven, doesn't trust easily. She is like a hawk in the fact that she observes everything before making her move. Once she trusts someone though, she is completely open with them. She remains loyal to whoever she deems worthy.
Other: She likes spicy food, and her favorite scent is the smell pine needles.
Personality: He is calm, and very easy to get along with. He doesn't like violence, or anything that can get someone mortally wounded. He has no desire whatsoever to involve himself in politics, so he left that to his brother. His favorite thing to do is to ride horses, and swim. His trust is like a boat, it can start out floating perfectly, but one hole and it will sink.
Personality: She is quiet and seemingly timid, but she has a spit-fire side, much like her older sister. When she does speak, her comments are usually barbed. But she has a soft spot for cats, and she never says anything cruel when she is around them.
Personality: She's a rebel. She goes out of her way to go against the status quo. She has a vendetta against handsome men, and generally prefers to hang out with girls. More of her personality will be revealed as the rp goes on.
Personality: (Currently in work) He's sarcastic when he wants to be, but he mostly keeps quiet. If he has something to say, he will sya it, but he also knows when it is the wrong time to say anything.
Likes/Dislikes: He is very fond of horses, and loves going horse-back riding. He dislikes people who are pious.
Personality: (Currently in work) He's quiet and observant. He notices things that most people would look right over. He is blunt, and often comes across as rude, but he states his mind, even when the time is inappropriate to do so. He is actually a kind person, but he holds up a jerk-front. He is also a prankster behind people's back, along with his sister Hanami.
Likes/Dislikes: He is terrified of cactus and toes. He loves honey and wine.
Personality: (currently in work) Outspoken and rebellious. She will go out of her way just to her parents off. She is extremely protective of her little sister and will do anything to help her.
Likes/Dislikes: She loves weapons, but daggers facinate her the most. She really hates men who think women are just there for certain things.
Personality: (Currently in work) She's shy and timid, or at least that is how she acts. When people aren't looking, she is often a prankster, going to any length just to get a laugh. She generally only shows this side around Maxson, who is another prankster in disguise.
Likes/Dislikes: She loves being admired, but hates when people look at her like she is a freak.
Personality: (Currently in work) He's the young, spoiled brat. He bosses people around like he owns the planet, and throws a tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants. He has no care about anyone else's needs.
Likes/Dislikes: Like having all the attention and getting his way. he hates when that attention is diverted.
Dream Walkers are a type of reaper, or Death Angel. However, they are not recognized by the actual ranks of Angels, because Dream Walkers are the souls of humans who have committed suicide. In the Creation, God created Heaven and Hell for those who died, but when human's committed suicide, no matter what the reason, there was no true way to judge where they were supposed to go. Heaven was meant for the good, Hell for the bad.
However, when it came to placing the souls of those who had ended their own lives, neither Heaven nor Hell was willing to accept them. Heaven would not let anyone who had consciously taken another life pass their gates (accidents were another matter), and Hell seemed too cruel a punishment for the good souls in which suicide was their only sin.
So God made it so that when a person died by their own hand, they were forever stuck in a middle plane. They were tasked with walking in the Dreams of those who were contemplating
Take all the time you need! My work schedule is kind of hectic, and I also have a friend coming into town to visit as well at the end of next week. c:
ALSO, this ended up slightly long, and I'm not sure if all of it sent, so if there is a part where the message just drops off, let me know and I will send the rest of what I typed to you in a separate message.
Okay, so the x-men/superpower plot and the Dream Walker plots could actually tie together! I'll get to that after I explain the two different versions of the Dream Walker Universe. One is the darker version that I originally created, the other is the version I use since the original can trigger people. I will, for the purpose of mixing the plots, be using the Second Version.
D.W.U 2:
Dream Walkers are (psychics or mutants or supernatural, depending on what this is tying into) who are stuck in the planes between life and death. While stuck in limbo, they are free to traverse into other's dreams as they please, but they can only interact with other (psychics/mutants/supernatural) beings.
This leads them to search for those who are similar to them and reach out in hopes of finding someone who can change their chances of living/dying.
However, even though they are free to traverse into other's dreams, if by chance they find a companion** (it is involuntary on the Dream Walker's part, but does not effect the other person), a bond, both emotional and meta-physical is formed. Which means that if something were to happen to the companion outside or within the dream, it would also effect the Dream Walker. It is not equally the same on both ends though. What might be next to nothing to the fully alive companion (ex: head injury resulting in a concussion), could be fatal to the DW, causing their scale to tip more towards death. Like I said, the bond is only one way. However, should the companion make their way to and find the DW, they can share life energy, which tips the scales towards living.
**Companion - Just a general term. They do not form it with just anyone. Imagine a soul mate bond, how two people are meant for each other. A Companion to a Dream Walker is like that, but one sided.
Now, there are small details I will leave out for the sake of tying this into a xmen/superpower plot. I hope you don't mind, but I usually use about 3 characters (1 main, 2 supporting/sometimes main as well). I use them to help build the background of each other and explain how they ended up where they are. I hope you don't mind. > . <;;
I imagined that one of my supporting characters (either Cliff or Skyla) could also work at Kadvar's mother's bakery, maybe be friends with him as well. This is where they would mention here and there their friend who is very dear to them.
Enter my main character, Zain. He discovered that he had powers when at the young age of 11, he brought his friend (Cliff) back from the dead. But, by doing so, most of his life energy was drained, and he was in a temporary coma for three days. He also discovered when he woke up in the hospital, that he can see and interact with ghosts.
His past with his family is something I would reveal through the story, as it is rather dark. At the present time, Zain is supposed to be rooming with Cliff and Skyla in a house that they own, due to Cliff's family inheritance. (Cliff is a rich preppy boy who more often resembles a puppy.)
However, there is a group of (superheroes/mutants) that are hunting other gifted people. If their target willingly goes with them, everything is fine. If their target resists, then they either force them to go with them with mind control, or they simply kill them. My idea is that maybe Zain got stuck in a coma because, due to his past, he wanted nothing to do with other gifted people, and when they tried to control him, one of his ghost friends (who had been gifted in life) deflected what they could, but not enough and it knocked Zain back into a coma, where he is for this plot.
Enter the Dream Walking plot intertwined with the plot.
The antagonists would be the group of the gifted people hunting other gifted to join them, and that could be happening in the background while maybe Zain and Kadvar meet in Kadvar's dreams while in the awake world, Cliff, Kadvar, and SKyla are all trying to stay hidden from the group?
I'm not sure if the plot mad much sense, I have the idea, it is just hard to put into words.
Still roleplaying?
110 years, 11 months & 24 days ago 18th Mar 2014 16:33
111 years, 8 months & 12 days ago 29th Jun 2013 18:07