Bring me your k-pop pet names~ <3

12 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
31st May 2012 21:12So I'm looking for k-pop idol names.
The pet doesn't have to be costumed or an LE.
I currently have:
Baekhyun from EXO
Temin (close to Taemin) from SHINee
Baekho from Nu'est
Chaejin from MyName
Bonamana (Super Junior song)
Sehun from EXO
But I'm looking for more.
My offer:
Dismantlement the statted Hobo Chibs
Level : 58
Health : 9 / 104
Magic : 12
Charisma : 0
Strength : 109
Defence : 100
Speed : 105
Coordination : 51
Stamina : 50
Balance : 50
I only like boy k-pop groups. c:
So either drop me a maramail or offer on this blog.
Can offer any other pet that I have that doesn't already have a k-pop name. :3