My Pets

12 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
1st Jul 2012 04:18 Bettine
I received Bettine as a non-le from a member who no longer wanted her. I turned her into a underwater ercuw myself, with an Enchanted Underwater Ercuw Plushie
I received Braedi, as a green kronk, from a club member, as a giveaway in the pet forums.
I created Breanae, myself. I then turned her into a Minipet Dakota using a Minipet Dakota Potion.
I created Felson, myself.
My brother created Jazzalena, himself. He saved up for a Pink Rusty Potion and used it on her.
I traded for Karolynn when she was genie chibs. I originally started out with a brown gobble, which i then eventually trade to get Karolynn.
I got a Cowboy Yuni as a gift from a club member, which i traded for a Pixie Snookle and then eventually ended up with Khua.
I won Kylisia as a non-le in a giveaway. She was then turned into a Yellow Vixen by me with a Enchanted Yellow Vixen Plushie.
I created Launna, myself. She was turned into a Black Viotto with a Black Viotto Potion and then she turned muntant.
Novinia is my first ever pet on marapets. She was turned into a native tasi using a native tasi potion and then i put a killer costume on her. I trained and added learnies to her all myself!
Redygum and addow_snow are just my non-les