One day they had this boy who wanted to get a tan so he decided to go into this place that the locals said was a old haunted tanning salon when he opened the door it was pitch black and the floor and creaked then suddenly a figured appeared of a young woman and it has been rumored that she lost her daughter. The Figure asked why this young man was here and he said because he wanted a tan and keep in mind he loves stories of haunted places, So this woman lead him to a pink tanning box and he questioned it because it was rusted but you could could still kinda tell it was pink, but the young lady convinced him to go in it so he did little did he know that she locked him in it and set it to were he would turn into something he's not.. stay tuned for the rest of the story... coming soon.. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THIS AND CALL IT YOUR OWN
i will eventually
110 years, 7 months & 28 days ago 15th Jul 2014 15:25
Please continue.
110 years, 7 months & 29 days ago 14th Jul 2014 19:32
It's good; missing a lil spell and grammar check is all
112 years, 3 months & 21 days ago 20th Nov 2012 17:51
Continue. =)
112 years, 4 months & 11 days ago 31st Oct 2012 21:41
It is good but you missed some words...and spelling.
112 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 9th Jul 2012 22:20