Pets I have owned:

12 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
14th Jul 2012 19:45I just thought I would do this for some fun I don't remember them all but I see them around the site so I am going to start putting their names down :}
*Name: Description: What I did:
*Kaseko: Bee Tasi: Costumed Bee.
*Sanobi: Minipet Mordo:
*Gwin: Fire Fairy Ercuw:
*Spades: Fire Fairy Ercuw:
*Forah: Splatter Yuni: Costumed Splatter
*Vixlie: Cotton Candy Vixen: Costumed Cotton Candy
*Tadako: Nefarious Quell: Costumed Nefarious
*Varalie: Cotton Candy Tasi: Costumed Cotton Candy
*Centy: Witch Daisy:
*Mz.Piggy: Grey Zoink:
*Cordon: Polar Troit:
*Dennyze: Royal Troit:
*Addams: Millionaire Troit:
*Triixxie: Orange Zoosh:
*Tiny21: Prison Mordo:
*macwalker: Sleepy Gizmo:
*Nachele: Minipet Crindol: Made
*Ranmao: Black Chibs:
*Quaxe: Devil Phanty
*Initialize: Zombie Arinya:
*Lombardi: Red Troit:
*Beys: Minipet Gobble:
*Slaxi: Valentine Ercuw
*Nikul: Gold Viotto
More to come as I remember