Avatar Lending- Read before requesting to borrow!

12 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
14th Aug 2012 18:45In order to borrow my minipets to receive the avatars they are responsible for please read this and be sure to follow the instructions.
1. Maramail me telling me which mini's you would like to borrow complete with the Contract (listed below)
2. I will seperate the minipet you are borrowing and you will offer your tip on the trade, I will accept.
3. You go get your avatar and send me my minipet back as soon as this is completed. I keep the tip, you get the avvie.
4. If my minipet is not back in my possession within 10 minutes of you receiving the pet and the avatar, I will report you to staff.
Alen ~ 20K tip (required)
Random when attaching an Alen minipet to your pet.
Keep trying until you get the avie. (I understand
this one sometimes takes awhile, just keep in touch if
it is taking over 10 minutes)
Naoen ~ 20K tip (required)
Send someone (me) a naoen
Anuriah ~ 20K tip (required)
Have an Anuriah in your attic and search minipets
Green Grouchy ~ 20K tip (required)
Have a Green Grouchy in your inventory and click on it.
Lela ~ 15K tip (required)
View a Lela that is attached to one of your pets.
Olvic ~ 15K tip (required)
View an Olvic that is attached to one of your pets.
Miort ~ 20K tip (required)
Attach a Miort to one of your pets
Fiffo ~ 20K tip (required)
View a Fiffo that is attached to one of your pets
Pinto ~ 15K tip (required)
View a Pinto that is attached to one of your pets
Scrooge ~ 25K tip + MPS to replace if you do not buy from shop (required)
Buy scrooge from a usershop for 1mp
CONTRACT (to be MM'd to me, fill in the blanks with your name, the items you wish to borrow, and the final price)
I, _______ , understand that I am borrowing ______ from janessaklambkin to get the avatar and will tip her _____ mps. I promise that I will return her items within 10 minutes of her accepting my offer or else I will be reported to staff.
Please mm me the above contract completed before I will seperate the items for you to borrow.