Advent 2012

12 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
1st Dec 2012 02:44Calendar//
01: You got 2 Bottle of Coala and 2500MP!!
02: You got 2 White Chocolate Snowman and 1300MP!!
03: You got 2 Christmas Sunglasses and 750MP!!
04: You got 2 Christmas Newth Ornament and 250MP!!
05: You got 2 Rudolph and 3,000MP!!
06: You got 2 Vixen Ice Sculpture and 600MP!!
07: You got 2 Peppermint Swirl Wig and 5,000MP!!
08: You got 2 Snowball Bombs and 1,250MP!!
09: You got 2 Seasonal Staff and 2,000MP!!
10: You got 2 Christmas Rubber Duck and 1,750MP!!
11: You got 2 Holly Wig and 1,000MP!!
12: You got 2 Kringle and 1,500MP!!
13: You got 2 Minipet Stocking Plushie and 50MP!!
14: You got 2 Vixen Snow Globe and 300MP!!
15: You got 2 Ball of Seasonal Yarn and 7,500MP!!
16: You got 2 Gift Wrapped Coal and 1MP!!
17: You got 2 Christmas 2012 Book and 150MP!!
18: You got 2 Stocking Plushie and 400MP!!
19: You got 2 Elf Plushie and 9,000MP!!
20: You got 2 Ice Fairy Echlin Plushie and 1,500MP!!
21: You got 2 Apocalypse Survival Wig and 2,012MP!!
22: You got 2 Male Winter Coat and 500MP!!
23: You got 2 Female Winter Coat and 800MP!!
24: You got 2 Seasonal Costumes and 5,000MP!! (Seasonal Male + Seasonal Female)
25: You got 2 Elf Trading Card and 10,000MP!!
26: You got 2 Giant Newth Plushie and 450MP!!
27: You got 2 How to Kiss Book and 150MP!!
28: You got 2 Santa List and 75MP!!
29: You got 2 Coal Stamp and 1,200MP!!
30: You got 2 Peppermint Gumball and 850MP!!
31: You got 2 New Year Stamp and 5,000MP!!
Advent Tree Lolly x3
Advent Echlin Plushie x2
Snowman Wig x2
Winter Male Sweater x2
Winter Female Sweater x3
Angelic Male Top x3
Angelic Female Top x3
Advent Tree Male Costume x2
Advent Tree Female Costume x2