Well my dream pets relate very closely to my life. For example, my previous dream pet was my valentine figaro Matrimonial. I worked very hard for her indeed, but I thought she would be the perfect tribute to my marriage (I am a newlywed, got married 8 months ago), and so I put in lots and lots of effort and am so proud of her.
The baby mordo is now my ultimate dream pet for a very special reason. As well as being so absolutely adorable, my husband and I have just decided (last month) that we are going to try for a baby this year. We have had such a fantastic start to our marriage, he really is the love of my life, and we have 2 beautiful kitties (Precious and Belle), but we have decided now its time to share our love and lives with a baby. We are both very excited at this decision and now everywhere we go and everything we do, we imagine having a baby with us.
I'm not a huge fan of the other baby pets, but I LOVE the baby mordo and so feel a baby mordo would be the perfect tribute to our baby plans, and hopefully soon, our pregnancy! (Fingers crossed!! ) It just looks so cute and sweet and I just want to snuggle it! I have made my pet Babian (which my friend Javmi is currently holding for me) with intentions of him becoming the baby mordo, as I think the name is as cute as the mordo itself. The best way I can think is turning him mordo and then putting him through the temple to get him to baby, but of course this will be expensive :S And Im scared of starting because I don???t want to fail on something that would mean so much emotionally to me.[/center]
good luck
111 years, 8 months & 20 days ago 22nd Jun 2013 02:40