My life Story

11 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
19th May 2013 19:52My life begins in Maryland born on a snowy december morning.My mother and father so happy.Me and my mom nearly dying due to complications,staying in the hopsital for about 3 weeks.Skip forward a year now were moving into our dream house my parents spent 6 months building from the ground up.Skip a few more years im young starting school all my friends are matching with me on my first day to school.Skip a few years im a bit older now were doing so well we've even bought a 2nd house on the lake,life was great 2 houses,not rich but well off,a loving wife and caring father who loved there child like no other.Skip a few years im about 9 now life is starting to fall apart,my father doesnt speak to us anymore wont even eat or sleep,my parents start fighting a lot sending me to friends house a lot more now,mom wont tell me whats going on.Skip a few months dad lost his job,have to sell our 2nd house due to the lose of income.Skip a few months my mom and dad fight so bad they are considering divorce.My moms finally figured out whats wrong,my fathers a slow building alcholic.Skip a few months my mother works full time to keep us in our beautiful dream house my father starts to hurt me when i get home locking me in rooms screaming at me,telling me im the reason coming home to find him passed out bottle still in hand calling my mom at work crying saying "mommy come home!!".A few months pass of this passes my father goes to rehab,were slowly rebuilding after not seeing my dad for 3 months i finally do,first day after a 3 month rehab,drunk...Skip a month my parents finally divorce,my dad moves out (im about in middle school now)My mom works full time now stressing over everything really has no time for me...Mom stresses so much she cant do her job both as an employee and mother...My mom loses her job were slowly sinking more and more my mom cant get a job finally after 8 months she gets on,but it doesnt last.My social life is slowly crumbling im so against talking its a problem now.Skip a few years im alone every day now (im about in 8th grade now)My mom tells me we have to sell our house,after 13 years we have to leave my beautiful dream house,i fall into an even more depression,the day i left it was raining my dad showed and hugged me goodbye and told me "everything was going to alright" i watched as we leaved the house,my home since i was little i was raised in that house born and raised i grew up in it and now im leaving it moving over 2 hours away from all my friends (my mom got a job finally) so i started school the new kid in 9th grade the shy awkward new kid...ive never met these ppl before no one was nice they were mean told me to stay away from them...i went home everyday wanting to cry,and now at the end of the year i had one friend,Mikey he was so sweet to me,but now im moving again,but its back to my friends...but its been so long,what will will never be the same..
Im writing this to tell anyone who wants to know alchol ruined my life,if you never start you will never have to worry dont do it,look what happend to yourself and future family,dont ruin a life if it could have been avoided