My Ghost Stories

11 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
24th May 2013 21:02Alright now for everyone who likes a good ghost story sit back and be amazed at my creepy
Well this all started off when i was younger living in my dream house when i was very little i would see things in the dark like ppl animals but then they all started getting scarier and creepier like example this one time i saw this couple dancing in the middle of my room but when the man turned the women around she was like half was decapitated and all i remember were her eyes oh god her eyes *shivers* they were like two white soul less eyes looking into you!
Anyway they got so bad i went to like this thing for nightmare terror or something like that, that didnt help after that nothing happend for a while but then i started noticing shadows on my wall like moving on there own then the creepiest creepiest creepiest thing happend to me one night i was asleep when i woke up to feel weight on the side of my bed i turne around and looked into my mirror (my bed was across my mirror) and in the mirror i saw a man sitting on the side of my bed starring at me thru the mirror he was all bloody *SHIVERS* (just fyi after that i never ever ever put my mirror across my bed just till recently i still had the mirror) Anyway...after that i was pretty freaked out (i didnt say a word to anyone)My friend Jessy one time came over to sleepover we were sleeping over it was late and my parents were asleep when we BOTH saw my door knob moving on its own moving up and down and twisting but not opening this literally went on for about 5 minutes my friend was crying so finally idk how i did this but i grew balls and openned the door when i did i felt cold air rush into me...Pretty soon after this we got a dog ^^ his names Skipper after we got him i starte to notice him barking at walls and growling at corners it was odd...after this me and my friend (same friend) decieded to have another sleepover we were in this big room playing upstairs late at night parents asleep hallway light was on we were playing (my dog was in the room) we had about 20 light on...dont ask me why lol we just did...SOOO after a bit were playing la la la when all of a sudden ALL of the lights all shut off at the exact same time Jessy like im like freaking out seconds after that happened by dog starts barking like flippin crazy and growling my parents come in and right as they do ALL the lights turn back on just like that one other time i was home alone my mom was working late and i heard typing i SLOWLY went into the office to the laptop on IN word doct but with no words just the little thing blinking...My parents never believed any of this i told them so finally i just accepted it as life, after the years they stopped happening so much and after i moved out of that house they havent happened to me since THANK GOD. Even talking about my experience freaks me the helk out...Anyway hope you enjoyed my ghost stories
Goodnight! C: