
11 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
29th Jun 2013 11:04I have recently blocked a fair few people. This is because I don't need any more unnecessary drama or nastiness in my life. Life is too short to spend time arguing with some people I don't know and when it comes down to it, don't care about.
So I may have blocked you. So what. It's probably for the best. It just means you've upset or angered me in the past. So don't be surprised if I ignore your forum posts to me either. My life is a struggle at the moment and doing what's best for me is my priority. Those I've blocked are not a priority.
And again, thank you to the wonderfully kind people who have been there for me. I'm overwhelmed with how people on mara can really help me stay strong in my real life. Will be glad when this weekend is over.