An Ode

11 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
26th Jul 2013 09:28To my favourite person in the whole world: My husband
Why: Where to start? Although my parents have been supportive, motivational and inspirational throughout my whole life, my husband comes top for what he offers to my life. There are so many things I could mention, but here are the key things he contributes to my life:
Stability ??? To feel like I have a real purpose to somebody, to belong with somebody, to know my life and relationship is stable ??? you can???t put a price on that. But all those things also come through my husband???s extreme hard work and loyalty to his job as well as me to provide for us. To feel stable in life for me, is a huge achievement and my husband provides me with both financial and emotional stability. As well as that, he has supported me in my career which also contributes to the stability in my life.
Support & Motivation ??? I have never met anyone in my life as supportive as my husband. He attended both my graduations, the first one when we had only been together a few months, and despite the long boring graduation process, he sat there throughout the whole thing with the biggest smile of pride on his face. The support he gave me in the lead up to my second graduation was unreal, I was on the verge at quitting Uni at one point, but he kept me sane and kept me going. I will forever respect him for that.
Respect & Inspiration ??? He respects me 100% for who I am and not once has ever tried to change me. Infact, he loves me for my flaws as well as much as anything else. He???s always told me to stay true to who I am, because if I changed, ???the world would lose perfection???. Now I???m not perfect, far from it. I???m opinionated, argumentative at times, stubborn and probably the biggest stress head you could ever meet, but he doesn???t care.
Loyalty ??? Despite his commitment to work, he continues to put nothing before or above me. Frequently he has dropped everything to come and see if I???m ok. Examples: rushing home from work immediately when my cat scratched my face, dropping everything to come home to me when I got home from work in tears due to an awful day, travelling a 70 mile roundtrip to see me 3 times a week when I was at my second university???.. the list is endless.
Love ??? A stronger love than I ever felt was possible to feel. A complete, never ending, 100% fulfilled love for everything we are / do. His admiration and love fuels that of my own.
As of now (26th Aug 2013), we have almost been married for a year. The best, most wonderful and magical year of my life. And I can???t begin to tell you just how excited I am for that one year to turn into 50 years and more.