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  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 12 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 21 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 22 days ago

11 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
30th Jul 2013 01:49

Yes, I am giving away ??10 AU!

I am so grateful for the warmth people have been showing me throughout the last 2 days that I want to "give something back" to mara's community. This warmth hasn't only come from my friends, but people I've barely spoken to and even strangers have messaged me with such kind messages. So I'm hoping to pass on that kindness. And I think we all need some uplifting on mara!

?????EVERYONE is welcome to enter! No grudges held.??
(if I've blocked you but you want to enter, but can't post on my blog, please ask a friend to mail me and I will unblock you).
??? You must post your apps on this blog
??? Please post on my topic before you app.
??? You can apply for the whole ??10 AU or just some of it, that's your choice. If you apply for some and I like your app, then I will also pick someone else for the rest of it.??
??? Tell me a bit about you.
??? Tell me why you want the AU and what you will do with it.??
??? Keep the board boosted so others can see it.
??? Giveaway ends Saturday evening (3rd August). I'm in the UK.??
??? PLEASE be creative!
??? Include the word "pink" in there somewhere.

Anymore questions please mail me or post here.??

Hope you all enjoy applying Smile

All the best,

Hi Holly. I'm Jasper! I'm 16, My favorite color is red, I am the Oglue Queen of Marapets, professional MP waster, and a 6-year marapets addict! Although this account is only a little over a year old, I have been playing Mara for about 6 years of my life.
Two things I've never had, honestly, is a love for pink and the chance to have AU credits! And, right now, I am wishing I could have some. My Oglue Army is expanding and I'm in need of 2 Extra Pet Giftboxes to put all my army together again. I promise if I were to be the one to receive these credits, they wouldn't be misused. I just would like to get my Oglues all back on my account. It's also in my goals to get all my Oglues back and get them out of my friend's hair! >u< hehe!!
I thank you for taking the time to read this. I wanted to keep this short and easy for you because I know that you've probably read a bajillion of these by now.. and you're probably still offended that I don't feel a love for pink... just incase you missed that... I don't like pink... pink.. P-I-N-K. Like.. the color... you know... like the color on a crayon...


lol! Anyways! I wish you good luck in choosing and everyone else applying a good luck with their applications!

Love Much, Jasper
111 years, 7 months & 12 days ago 31st Jul 2013 16:54
It is a lot better now. Enjoy!!

Thank you so much for this opportunity.
I'm so glad that there are kind and generous people like you on Mara. You really inspire me!!!
111 years, 7 months & 12 days ago 31st Jul 2013 07:51

thank you!
111 years, 7 months & 12 days ago 30th Jul 2013 21:36
Hello Holly,

I'm Kia, its so kind of you to do this. I've been on Mara since 2006, I'm an adult player so I don't always have a ton of time to play. Like some others have mentioned I also do not have the funds to buy AU credits. Not to get too drawn into my story I'm disabled and don't have a lot of money. I have a lot of appointments which eats up a lot of my time. A lot of my money is being saved up to move to a new town for better opportunities for me and my fiance. I'm not your typical girly girl so you normally wouldn't see me in pink, though lately I've come a little more around to liking it and wear it more. When I dress like a girl people are like wow and make comments that they are use to me in a concert t-shirt and jeans. LOL but it doesn't bug me I like being pretty every once in awhile.

The reason I would like the AU credits is a bit selfish but I'd like to buy the Leo Treasure Chest because my birthday is in Aug. on the 18th. I would also like to try to finish my Enchanted Plushie Machine Instructions and want to buy one of those upgrades. I'm going through one of the temples and should have 2 credits of my own before your give away which would mean I would only need 1 more if I won to reach my goal. I would be happy just to win 3 credits even though I'd like all 10 I would rather someone else get a chance too.
111 years, 7 months & 12 days ago 30th Jul 2013 20:06
Hi Holly

So I have had this account for 6 years and been playing for 6 years. I haven't been able to buy my own credits because of my unfortunate financial situation, which I wish I rather not go into detail. Despite such, I can't leave Marapets because the community here is too friendly and heartwarming.

I don't mind how much AU I want, but I would really like a Name Certificate to change my pet's name.

Nevertheless, it would be brilliant if I won any of the AU credits. Good luck to everyone applying and thank you so much for your generosity Holly. Bye <3
111 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 30th Jul 2013 17:42
??? hi holly. my name is hannah and I am here to app for some AUs ???

??? So I've had a marapets account for a solid 6 years. But I have only been playing on this one for a little over a year. My favorite thing to do on mara is to own clubs tbh. Like maybe you've seen some of the clubs I've made, but idk that's what I've enjoyed doing on marapets. I really LOVE cats. like people say they love cats, but really nobody loves cats more than I do. I really just can't explain the love. A little more about me, uh well my name is hannah (like I said), my favorite color is blue and my second favorite color is [i]pink[/i], I have been to 4 different highschools, I have a boyfriend named sebastian and he is just darling. ???

??? So enough about me, on to why I would like all/some of the AU credits. Well I'd really just like to be able to buy something from the AUs. Specifically the Hariy
Account Upgrade. I have really wanted the hair map for a while, and I just really like getting books and stamps and dvds and what not. I like being able to customize my character, so having the hair map would be such a blessing ugh the hair is just so nice. I really don't have anything I'd buy, so I think I'm only applying for ??8. I am being greedy, but ya know, even if I don't get the 8, any amount would be appreciated because I have 0. and any number above 0 is good. I do know that I could buy the hair map pieces with MP, but I am currently broke as I just completed one of my mara goals! I made Soshua a hairy chibs and spent all my money on it :$. ???

??? All in all, I'd be down right lovely if I won these AU credits. Or any at all. Good luck choosing your winner and I hope my app was good enough for you to fall in love with me and pick me. ok ily holly bye ???
111 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 30th Jul 2013 15:42
Hey, Holly~

I'm Libby, nice to meet you! I'll admit this is the first I've seen you on Mara and this is an awfully nice thing for you to do.

I've been on Mara since 2008 (and longer on an old account) and have constantly been a forums lurker. It's only recently that i've started to post in the forums due to the wide community of lovely people, particularly in RC

I kind of have a hair dye addiction (it's currently blue) and i think i live on eyeliner.

I'm a Youtuber who makes vlogs and i enjoy fangirling over bands and other Youtubers such as AmazingPhil.

I'd like the AU credit because I'm unable to buy credit myself, also because i'm trying to save up ??8.00 AU credit for the icecream package but can only get a limited amount from temples.
With the credit i'd like to buy the icecream package because my dream pet is an icecream mordo. (i think the icecream mordo would be super duper extra cute as a pink icecream though). If i got the full ??10 AUC from you i'd like to spend the remainder on a double crystals giftbox so then i could increase the mps i get when selling crystals so i could afford more things like diamonds to train mordo_saturday and scholarships for Phello.

(p.s i'm half asian, pls love me. It means I'm part panda and everyone loves pandas, so..)
111 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 30th Jul 2013 15:41

My app for the AU.
With a couple of things at the bottom for you just because you deserve something nice
111 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 30th Jul 2013 11:31
All done!
Sorry about the width of the blog. Hope it doesn't give you too much trouble
111 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 30th Jul 2013 11:09
And oh visit my marasite
111 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 30th Jul 2013 09:58
  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 12 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 21 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 22 days ago