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  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 11 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 22 days ago

11 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
30th Jul 2013 01:49

Yes, I am giving away ??10 AU!

I am so grateful for the warmth people have been showing me throughout the last 2 days that I want to "give something back" to mara's community. This warmth hasn't only come from my friends, but people I've barely spoken to and even strangers have messaged me with such kind messages. So I'm hoping to pass on that kindness. And I think we all need some uplifting on mara!

?????EVERYONE is welcome to enter! No grudges held.??
(if I've blocked you but you want to enter, but can't post on my blog, please ask a friend to mail me and I will unblock you).
??? You must post your apps on this blog
??? Please post on my topic before you app.
??? You can apply for the whole ??10 AU or just some of it, that's your choice. If you apply for some and I like your app, then I will also pick someone else for the rest of it.??
??? Tell me a bit about you.
??? Tell me why you want the AU and what you will do with it.??
??? Keep the board boosted so others can see it.
??? Giveaway ends Saturday evening (3rd August). I'm in the UK.??
??? PLEASE be creative!
??? Include the word "pink" in there somewhere.

Anymore questions please mail me or post here.??

Hope you all enjoy applying Smile

All the best,

Here is my application:

111 years, 7 months & 9 days ago 3rd Aug 2013 06:37
Hi, Holly! ^u^

I'm Michelle, and although I'm not super active here, I still am around, even when I don't post much. I'm an aspiring artist who struggles to get her art some spotlight. I like pink too, it's a versatile color when it comes to palettes. I like earth tones, because they can be warm or cool, it depends on which end of the palette you use, and the results are always pretty. I do traditional art, and digital ones!

I'm not good with talking about myself, since I'm more of the listener here, heh. But I'll try my best to introduce myself. I'm from Asia, and I have two dogs- a Yorkshire Terrier named Lucky, and a Mini Dachshund named Leila. They're both well, and loved- of course. I have a strong passion for art and it's been a huge part of my life.

I've been doing art for as long as I can remember. I was born in my home land, but raised and schooled in another, so I'm surrounded by different cultures and traditions. Art has always been by my side for ages, I've started since I was 3!

Aside from art, I also have a soft spot for puppies and nature. If ever you decide to send me the AU, it'll go straight to my puppy fund- I plan on adopting a Labrador puppy from a local shelter. It's not the kind of shelter you'd think you'd adopt from, but I couldn't let them put down a puppy because they can't make profit out of him. So far I've made progress by doing commissions, but since everyone's so hesitant to do real-money commissions, I've got a little luck so far.

That's pretty much where the money will go, also, if you have the time, could you check out my art blog? Getting page views mean a lot to me, more than you think, really., ma'am! C:

If ever you read this, thank you. I appreciate the time you've taken to read this, and get to know me a little better.
111 years, 7 months & 9 days ago 3rd Aug 2013 02:09
Hello Holly,

I didn't know you where doing this giveaway and I hope it isn't too late to enter.

If I could win at least 5 AU credits it would be perfect.
10 would be really generous.

I really just one Leo treasure chest to open when the avatars come out.
I have no idea if I'll get lucky and got them, but having one chance is better than none.

As for the items I get from the chest, they'll be donated to my club.

We're celebrating one year this month on the 15th (:
I'd like to reward them w/ the items I get.

Well, that's why I would like a 5-10 credits.

Thanks so much,
and have a Pink day~

- Jose
111 years, 7 months & 9 days ago 2nd Aug 2013 23:06
Umm hi Holly, I'm N. I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I love foxes, ravens, and Robin from the Teen Titans. I'm a dancer, I play piano, and I'm going into my second year of college in September.

So I'm what people would call anti-social. I have a few very good friends on Mara, since I only have a few that gives me an excuse to spoil them like crazy. At the moment I'm busy saving up 6mil to get my friend Con(conures) a Vixen. So I would like to apply for ??8 AU. I want to win ??8 AU so I can get the Summer AU. Hopefully if I get the Enchanted Summer Nino Plushie I would give it to my best friend Emma(emelia62001) because she loves Ninos. I would keep the Summer Costume for myself, I want to make Ceji into a Summer Fasoro (: I would sell the rest of the items and the money would go into the fund to get Con's Vixen, so far I've saved up 3.6 mil. I'm a little over halfway there and I hope I can get it for her as a late birthday gift(her birthday is tomorrow, July 31st).

Thanks for reading! (:
111 years, 7 months & 9 days ago 2nd Aug 2013 20:44

The password is pink.
111 years, 7 months & 9 days ago 2nd Aug 2013 18:13
my app.
111 years, 7 months & 10 days ago 1st Aug 2013 15:10

My app :3
111 years, 7 months & 10 days ago 1st Aug 2013 14:00
I just earned 2 AU from the Candyland goals so my application now aks for a different ammount
111 years, 7 months & 11 days ago 1st Aug 2013 10:36
Hello, Holly,
Well hello, Holly,
It's so nice, to have you back, where you belong.

Sorry, the moment I saw your name I thought of "Hello Dolly" so... Anyways, hi, I'm Abby and I'm just another avid Marapets user without access to credits. Namely because my parents won't let me "waste my money on a stupid website" (which makes me go red with anger but eh, c'est la vie). I'm not sure how long I've been on here for but I forgot the password for my first account. so I created this account in February.

Who am I? Basically I'm a nerd with a green and purple room who fangirls about most everything. Books, British tv, random movies, you name it. Oh and I draw. My mom doesn't understand the point of having 3 orange sharpies or 4 pink sharpies (they're all different shades; I swear!.

If you choose me, I would love to use 3 AU credits to purchase a Shop Pricer Giftbox, to make my life easier with restocking. I'd rather only get 3 this way other people could get a chance to get something. Y'know, spread the gold (or whatever color AUs are) a bit.

Thank you for giving this opportunity to me and everyone else. Yes, I would love you to pick me (and I'd be a bit blue if you didn't) but pick whoever you want it's your contest! To everyone entering, I wish you all the best of luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

(If you notice this a second time, I'm so sorry! I accidentally deleted my first one!
111 years, 7 months & 11 days ago 1st Aug 2013 04:22
  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 11 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 22 days ago