Lost my Shadow.

11 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
30th Jul 2013 13:51I walk alone in the empty streets, glancing occasionally at the big clock tower that looms over the city. I didn't notice it at first but the tower is lit with lights; your normal bright light. I sigh as I dig my hands in my coat pockets looking around the street once more. No one in sight.
The lamps light the streets quite nicely, illuminating the pathway and eliminating any shadows that may approach it. This is when I wonder about that incident again. Images of what has happened resurfaced from the back of my brain intruding my thoughts. Painful memories seep their way through my brain telling me to stop and reflect on it once more.
I was walking, casually. I was minding my own business as each step I took was happier than the last. Then the sky grew darker, the sun being blocked out by dark clouds. I stopped to see what was happening and there it was. A man, no taller than I was, standing in front of me. It was weird as if it was a shadow. At closer inspection the man looked like me but its features are less prominent than mines, more like bumps on his face. Saying that though, I did see what looked like a smile. With that the clouds dispersed one by one and the sun shown once more making the figure in front of me disappear. When I looked back, it was gone. My shadow.
CBA finishing this. lol Finish it if you want, I don't really care.