
11 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
5th Aug 2013 03:45I can't believe it has practically been a year since we got married. This year has flown by. It has been wonderful, being married really has given the realtionship a new sense of stability and security and me, a new sense of belonging

I have enjoyed every single minute of married life and "husband" continues to be my favourite word. I still smile whenever I say it. And hearing him introduce me to new people as his "wife" really does warm my heart. We have grown massive amounts over this past year, not only as a copule, but as individuals also. I never knew it was possible for a person to mean as much to you as he means to me. And I really do feel a stronger love for him with every waking day.
It will be our 1st Anniversary on Saturday. I'm so excited as we will be in Majorca, so it will be extra special. I'm so proud to be his wife, he is the most amazing man i've ever met in my life (next to my daddy) and there is nobody in this world that could have taken his place in my heart.
Looking forward to the second year of married life!