Pet Trading History

11 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
28th Aug 2013 02:43A list of pets I've owned and traded away.
(yes it's a lot. I like to trade pets until they are perfect)
Christul (statted fairy chibs) ??? Traded with a figgy for a baby figgy (Brattish)
Brattish (baby figgy) ??? Traded with ice cream mordo (Willeve) for 2 figaros (Hoboy and Kurlon)
Willeve (ice cream mordo) ??? Traded with Baby figgy (Brattish) for 2 figaros (Hoboy and Kurlon)
Kelvyn (Snow Figaro) ??? Traded with negative figaro (Chiroe) for a toddler Basil (Rattattuie)
Basnia (kamilah figgy) ??? Traded for ???
Talyia (sparkle quell) ??? Traded with skeleton Huthiq (Skeletol) for devil vixen (Headur) and chirstmastree quell (sayzar)
Skeletol (skeleton huthiq) ??? Traded with sparkle quell (Talyia) for devil vixen (Headur) and chirstmastree quell (sayzar)
Headur (devil vixen) ??? Traded for ???
Sayzar (christmastree Quell) ??? traded for chocolate Vixen (Evich)
Talper (underwater quell) ??? Traded for ???
Evich (chocolate Vixen) ??? Traded with seasonal vixen (Kaecey) for Baby Willa (Dahrling)
Daislii (toy viotto) ??? Gave away to a friend
Chontaine (choc chibs) ??? Traded for ???
Rihanna (pixie chibs) ??? Traded for ???
Kulle (Emo sindi) ??? Traded for ???
Manuscript (Royal chibs) ??? Traded for Baby Chibs (Darlue)
Opticol (cupid gizmo) ??? Traded for ice cream Mordo (Willeve)
Lanyn (rainbow Viotto) ??? traded for cotton candy chibs (Luviya)
Soldatus (plushie Huthiq) ??? Traded for ???
Huthinnia (mermaid huthiq) ??? Traded for ???
Jacobien (statted snow bolimo) ??? Traded for ???
Devoting (Bee Dakota) ??? Traded for a grey chibs (Guadulupe)
Leyrah (Ice cream Mordo) ??? Traded for winter Kujo (Lonerism)
Theories (mummy Echlin) ??? Traded for ice fairy quell (Romanesta)
Romanesta (ice fairy quell) ??? Traded for cotton candy snookle (Saskinia)
Saskinia (cotton candy Snookle) ??? Traded for ice cream snookle (Terisea)
Terisea (ice cream snookle) ??? Traded for
Lonerism (winter Kujo) ??? Traded for Seasonal Vixen (Kaecey)
Kaecey (seasonal Vixen) ??? Traded for Baby Willa (Dahrling)
Tealynn (hobo chibs) ??? Traded for Old Chibs (Irvana)
Inputent (ice mordo)
Morana (mutant mordo)
Ninarella (seasonal viotto) ??? Traded with old chibs for Baby Chibs (Madilynna)
Irvana (Old Chibs) ??? Traded with seasonal viotto for Baby Chibs (Madilynna)
Madilynna (Baby Chibs) ??? Traded for negative Figaro (Chiroe)
Chiroe (Negative Figaro) - Traded with a snow figgy (Kelvyn) for a toddler Basil (Rattattuie)
Oktoburfest (statted underwater tantua) ??? Traded for Charosa (cotton candy chibs)
Triumpher (love Daisy with lots of gourmet food) - Traded for ???
Tagine (pixie Sindi) - Traded for ???
Not due to trade value, but because I miss the pets.
Manucript (now a spring chibs

Her name used to be perfect for her royal costume)