My Justin Updated

11 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
11th Oct 2013 23:07Slowly getting to 32 Justins
This is the order i got them and how much i paid. also a lil bit about them. I've spent like 20m+ on randoms cons and im not to sure how many i used on my justins.
Justin #1-Rafan
Cost-35m(Enchanted Red Justin Plushie)+ Geek costume 1m
Was originally named TheRae but decided to rename him.
Justin #2-Airyka
Traded Maras first nightmare sybri and a breeze sybri
Used about 3m on randoms cons to get a starry costume change
Justin #3-Got
Cost-Name 4m in auctions + 32m(Enchanted Black Justin Plushie) 4m+ or so on random cons then finally 2.5m on devil costume
Justin #4-Mortele <3
Cost-34m in pure and items(Enchanted Purple Justin Plushie) + about 1m in rp for costume
Was originally a zombie gonk and was a gift from carmie. She is my prized pet and been with me through all my self banning
Justin #5-Danzu
Cost-35m(essence of justin) plus a couple of mill on random costumes
Was named after one of the accs i self banned on(Dansu)
Justin #6- Junkbutt
Cost-33m(Enchanted White Justin Plushie) plus couple of mill in random cons to get angel
The name i call people who are close to me
Cost-34m(Enchanted Green Justin Plushie)+ a couple mill in random cons to get old
Cost- 35m(Enchanted Blue Justin Plushie)+ a couple mill in random cons to get Snow