II TacoMan II 25 Random Facts-idea by Jayshern

11 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
27th Nov 2013 21:43And away we go:
1: I love Tacos.....

2: I play 5E Dnd as well as DDO
3: I do lots of volunteering and attending of charity organization for Cancer.
4: I have a handicap placard.
5: I have a collapsed hip bad knea and bulging disk
6: I plan on being a chef as a career and plan on owning a restaurant.
7: Im a brunet
8: I cant make rice....just...yeah....any thing else sure just not rice it goes wrong...so very wrong.
9: I have many freinds, though few I relate to.
10: I take classes far above requirement for the profession I wish to enter.
11: I have a veternal twin whom I am near opposite to in personality.
12: My bad hip makes driving a stick shift exhausting and painful.
13: I throw up really easy.
14: I will try any type of food even if it disgusts me.
15: I love having great nicknames for my few close freinds. Their is Doughboy (chose it himself) , Princess (she is a goody to shoes sometimes), batman (he never doesnt wear a bat man shirt) , Whovian (WHOVIAN UNITE!) , and the October the bunny (you would have had to been their)
16: I atend Camp CR4TS and look forward to being a counselor
17: I am 25% Polish
18: I am 25% German (hehe polish and german oh the irony ww II!
19: I am 50% Italian (I make a kick arse Deep Dish Pizza)
20: I use a laptop.
21: I wondering if people are still reading have saved the interesting ones for last.
22: I am a childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L) survivor.
23: I was in treatment for a little under 4 years.
24: My close friends are all Cancer survivors.
25: I make an epic Pumpkin pie.
Well hope you had fun learning about me