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  1. About Me
    2nd Jan 2014 13:49
    11 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
  2. College Bound!
    31st Dec 2013 21:16
    11 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  3. Please sign my guestbook!
    16th Jun 2009 00:41
    15 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  4. 2009 Marapet Goals
    13th Feb 2009 19:12
    16 years & 28 days ago
About Me
11 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
2nd Jan 2014 13:49

I joined Mara in January of 2009 and I still feel like I haven't properly introduced myself sooo...

- I'm a senior at an Indiana high school.

- I'm a Varsity cheerleader and Varsity golfer for my school. I'm Co-Captain for both teams with my best friend. The whole "The school bows down to cheerleaders/cheerleaders are stupid" ideas portrayed in the media are a TOTAL lie. At the most, it just makes you well known-not necessarily respected. And the majority of our squad is in the top 10 of their class lol.

- Stunting is my life. I'm a back base, so my job is to adjust the flyer while she loads in, lift the weight off the bases, and be the one to make sure my body is underneath the flyer if she's going to fall. I only had to do that once-at the homecoming game. I got a concussion in front of everyone (joy). My group is currently trying to get a 360 stunt.

- I have 3 cats. Scarlett, a Persian, Cora, a Calico, and Sable, a Tortoiseshell.

- I'm obsessed with having leadership positions. I was class president last year and this year I'm the class secretary. I'm president of other little clubs, but I think you guys get the gist.

- I LOVE LOVE LOVE art. I've been in shows and competitions and I'm currently applying for a national competition through my school and preparing for a show. I specialize in graphite photorealism, but I've recently discovered a knack for charcoal and oil paint. My instagram is half personal account, half art account haha. I'd list it, but I'm not sure if that's allowed.

- I'm French and Greek...I guess that makes me a Freak Wink My mom is an immigrant from France and my grandpa is from Greece. So basically I'm super tan lol. The stereotype that Greeks only eat yogurt and olives may not be true for all people, but definitely me.

- I was born with misshapen ear canals that made me basically deaf. My mom tried to get me into preschool early, so I had to take an entrance exam. They basically said I had a low IQ and need to be put in Learning Disabled classes. My mom knew I was smart so I got checked out at the doctor and they discovered my ear canal problem and I had two ear surgeries. I have half my hearing back - I just can't hear well behind me. And I make straight A's with an almost all AP schedule, so jokes on them.

- My music taste is diverse. My favorite Pandora stations are Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, Indie Folk Revival, Lana Del Rey, Opera, Celtic Woman, Jay-Z, Lord of the Rings, Maria Callas, Disney, Broadway, and I think you get the gist.

- I have an obsession with wearing nice clothes to school. I don't remember the last time I wore just a t-shirt with jeans to school. My go-to is a blouse with nice boots.


- I'm the real life Sleeping Beauty. If I don't get woken up, I could sleep in until 6 pm.

- I have 2 sisters, 2 half-sisters, and 1-half brother.

- I always have bright lipstick on. The amount of makeup brushed I have is ridiculous.

I'm having trouble thinking of more, so if you want to know something, ask below.

Wide Grin

Taylorraeallbright- My doll character definitely is not how I look in real life haha! My doll is basically what the art freak inside of me wishes I could look like every day and not be judged, if that makes sense.

abbiek1- No, but I wish I could see them live! It would be so magical.
111 years, 2 months & 8 days ago 3rd Jan 2014 15:17
Disney and LOTR

Ever been to a Celtic Woman concert? They're incredible
111 years, 2 months & 9 days ago 3rd Jan 2014 09:24
you sounded pretty girly to me, then when I saw your doll on here I was like woah. that totally wasn't what I expected lol
111 years, 2 months & 9 days ago 3rd Jan 2014 03:58
  1. About Me
    2nd Jan 2014 13:49
    11 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
  2. College Bound!
    31st Dec 2013 21:16
    11 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  3. Please sign my guestbook!
    16th Jun 2009 00:41
    15 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  4. 2009 Marapet Goals
    13th Feb 2009 19:12
    16 years & 28 days ago