About Xeri: Name is AJ, Published author, 51 years of age (Adult ... I think :D) Parent.
NOTE: My Marasite is operational but always being worked on.
Please respect that I am not always online *even if it says I am*
I SWAP photos, plates, and other items others may have duplicates of.
PLEASE check my trades to see all I have for grabs.
All items are straight MP/RP/BP or Au's unless otherwise stated as I don't need items.
LOW ball offers/offers where I already have the item or more than one offer on the same item(s) are sometimes rejected.
I hit that mark for the 3rd time in 9 years
this time I'm trying to get to 200. it's quite the task but I'm sure I am up for it LOL. THAT is if I don't spend it all out on Ragdonly again like the last two times!
actually Maxi it's ALL random... doesn't matter how often I enter her... she's got a one in 5 chance to win... regardless how high she is.
110 years, 9 months & 24 days ago 21st May 2014 16:56
If you've got a pet like ragdonly, DON'T FORGET TO DO OLYMPICS!! think how often he could win and how many points he'd get, then you go go along selling figaro potions too to help!!
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 23:27
woohoo ^-^
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 20:00
Yea, I tend to save up and then spend a lot. Thankfully I've invested in Cayter, in maps and in giftboxes so it helps a ton.
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 18:55
time is the factoring thing... as it takes it to get higher and you need it to invest in getting there as well. Trust me I missed out on 2 years in here. I'd be much higher if I hadn't of had my little one but I wouldn't change my missed time in here for anything I've got an awesome baby girl who's smart as a whip
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 18:51
Wow, you'll be at 200M in no time!
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 18:50
Trying hard to train Cayter up
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 18:48
Nice I've been selling what I restock. I do Funguznel mostly. Since I'm not questing/restocking as much I'm kinda staying where I'm at with MP but still I have nearly 28mil as of right now. 25mil in the bank.
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 18:48
I do all dailies all day. (I can do them all from my phone to which is AWESOME! BTW) I also do double crystals when I can, I stick with good missions (rusty) and Troll since I can do troll VERY easily it only takes 15 days to get an LE potion for that one and the Twins one for the Rusty potion is super easy as well. I also sell off lots of the items I get and I am a battler I do LOTS of Knutt Knight quests and Sumo Sally. I'm only missing 22 cards and my pet can beat nearly every single card... (except so far for personal trainer) I just need to get the rest of my cards LOL I usually sell the diamonds except the ones I use in my training I'm more focused on main gym stats right now.
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 18:45
Wow congrats! I was happy when I hit 10mil.
Now I'm just trying to hunt down 3 AUs then go back to saving.
110 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 20th May 2014 18:38