Temple of Transubstantiation

10 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
5th Jun 2014 14:03 Level 1/30...
Rune ZMr7eido uses the Runes and....
Mummy BreadLevel 2/30...
Rune PMr7eido uses the Runes and....
10,000MPLevel 3/30...
Rune EMr7eido uses the Runes and....
Simerian NecklaceLevel 4/30...
Rune FMr7eido uses the Runes and....
25,000MPLevel 5/30...
Rune DMr7eido uses the Runes and....
Wooden TempleLevel 6/30...
Rune AMr7eido uses the Runes and....
50,000MPLevel 7/30...
Rune MMr7eido uses the Runes and....
Mr7eido has gained a level stat!Level 8/30...
Rune AMr7eido uses the Runes and....
Simerian PotLevel 9/30...
Rune AMr7eido uses the Runes and....
75,000MPLevel 10/30...
Rune FMr7eido uses the Runes and....
Mr7eido has gained 2 coordination stats!Level 11/30...
Rune HMr7eido uses the Runes and....
Mr7eido has gained 2 strength stats!