Sick little girl

10 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
23rd Jul 2014 13:53So I have a little one and she's going to be 3 on the 27th of this month. She's the reason why I was away from Marapets for so long. My little sunshine.
There's just one huge issue that just won't let up when it comes to my beautiful girl and that's her health. I'm quite concerned. We spent most of yesterday (20+ hours) in the hospital with her.

The Dr's still don't know what's wrong with her.
In the last 6 months we've been to the IWK hospital about 15 times. All over her guts. (She gets gastrointestinal issues at least two times a month... it's hell! )
I just don't understand WHY she gets sick so often. We're clean people yet I allow her to get "dirty" so I'm not a "germ-a-phobe"
She is in daycare but I can't blame that on every single time she gets sick. (She's usually the one who gets sick before everyone else! )
She was so sick here 2 months ago it baffled the Dr's how she was still standing as she had Adenovirus with pneumonia as the "kicker" and on top of it she ALSO had Hand Foot and mouth disease AND get this; a SEVER ear infection EVEN with tubes in her ears! Her fever spiked to 103.7 for 6 days. She spent 3 days in hospital for observation due to ALL the things she had! She got ALL of this 2 months after having her tubes put into her ears.
Dr's told me she has a compromised immune system but they have no clue from what. They checked myself for hereditary issues and even looked into our medical backgrounds but there's still no answers from our end; so we're assuming it's from her fathers side of the family and since I haven't spoken to him since he walked out on us 2 years ago I have NO clue and I was NEVER told about his medical history even in the 3 years I did know him so we're all in the dark.
I just felt others in here needed to know (I also know my oldest will stalk my pages and tell my little girls dad since they are so "tight" ) My explanation will tell you why I am slow on replying to Mara mail and why the updates in my site have slowed down. Give me time I will get there... here's hoping I will soon have answers to my little girls health issues and I can move forward once I have a resolution to her condition.