
10 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
17th Aug 2014 17:001. What is your favorite aspect of Marapets?
-Collections, I love collecting items especially photos and clothing. The feeling of joy when you reach a milestone is amazing, I felt over the moon when I reached 1000 photos in my collection and I am certain I will feel the same way when I reach 1000 Wardrobe items.
2. What have you learned on Marapets that you've applied to real life?
- Being kind and generous means people are kind and generous back. For example letting people have an expensive item at half price then they allow you to have an item at a discounted price at a later date. Kindness really does make the world go round.
3. If you could ask for one thing to improve on Marapets in the future to come, what would it be?
- I would implicate a Quests Countdown Giftbox which will give you alerts when quest timers reach 0 as I am always waiting to do a certain quest and then I forget that I can do it so I would find this useful which means that other people will also.
4. What is your current goal on Marapets?
My current goal is to gain the Trendsetter Avatar by reaching 1000 Wardrobe items, I am so excited.