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  1. Staff:// Multiple Devices
    4th Nov 2017 01:40
    7 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  2. Custom Evil Apples
    13th Apr 2017 23:19
    7 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  3. STAFF - New IP
    5th Apr 2017 06:52
    7 years, 11 months & 6 days ago
  4. Evil Apples Adopts
    6th Sep 2016 09:58
    8 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
  5. QB Wardrobe Items
    3rd Sep 2016 00:32
    8 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
    16th Jun 2016 10:09
    8 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  7. Chibs Army Goals
    5th Sep 2015 00:40
    9 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
  8. Note To Staff
    8th Aug 2015 18:02
    9 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  9. NTS
    13th Jun 2015 03:20
    9 years & 9 months ago
  10. All of my graphics --- I think
    17th Sep 2014 08:42
    10 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
OC Interview - Arayel~
10 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
6th Sep 2014 22:12



1. What is your name?
Arayel. But you can call me Ara.

2. Do you know why you were named that?
Well, I???m not sure. When I woke up with my brother, that is just the name I remembered.

3. Are you single or taken?
Single.. I???ve never really met anyone who???s my type???

4. Have any abilities or powers?
Same as my brother, but I don???t just blow up creatures for no reason.

5. Flaws?
Having Kadriel as a brother???. Having a compulsive need to superglue his pants on him.

6. What's your eye color?
Burgandy Cherry.

7. How about hair color?
Wine Red.

8. Have you have any family-members?
Kadriel the Codfish.

9. Oh? How about pets?
My brother. He needs more looking after than a dog.

10. Something you don't like.
Kadriel???s need to never wear pants.

11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Superglue pants to my brother.

12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Well???. Kadriel did tear some skin ripping the pants off???. But that was more his fault and not mine.

13. Ever... killed anyone before?
Not that I can remember??? But then again, I don???t remember my human life, so I can???t really answer that question.

14. What kind of species are you (Human, Prototype, Hybrid, Animal, Werewolf, Witch, etc...)?
I???m an angel.

15. Name your worst habits?
??? Tormenting my brother by trying to glue clothes to him.

16. Do you look up to anyone?
Whoever made clothes! <3

17. Are you Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, etc.?
I don???t really know. I???ve never had the chance to explore that.

18. Do you go to school?
No, but I love listening to school choirs!

19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
*happy sigh* yes..

20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
No.. Not really.

21. What are you most afraid of?
Waking up to my brother without his cloud. *shudders*

22. What do you usually wear?
Comfortable, yet fashionable clothes??? I really like my flowy white dress.

23. What's one food that tempts you?
Cottong candy!

24. Am I annoying you?
No! This is actually really fun!

25. Well, it's still not over.
That is perfectly fine~!

26. What class are you? Low class, middle class, high class?
Do angels even have a class?

27. How many friends do you have?
I don???t know??? I think I???m friends with all my fellow angels!

28. What are your thoughts on pie?
I???ve never tried it??? Is it good?

30. Favorite drink?

31. What's your favorite place?
Heaven. <3

32. Are you interested in anyone?
Lots of people are interesting!

33. Who do you hate most in the world?
I don???t really hate anyone???

34. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Ooooh, ocean! It is so pretty and endless!

35. What's your type?
My type???.? I???m not really sure.

36. Any fetishes?
Uh, no.

37. Seme or uke?
Does that even apply to a girl?

38. Camping or indoors?
Camping! I love watching all of the stars twinkle!

39. Are you still wanting the quiz to end?
If you???re ready for it to end.

40. Well, it's over!
Oh, okay! Thank you for this! It was a lot of fun~!

She would be a character I would hangout with!!
I love her selfie
110 years, 6 months & 5 days ago 6th Sep 2014 22:29
  1. Staff:// Multiple Devices
    4th Nov 2017 01:40
    7 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  2. Custom Evil Apples
    13th Apr 2017 23:19
    7 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  3. STAFF - New IP
    5th Apr 2017 06:52
    7 years, 11 months & 6 days ago
  4. Evil Apples Adopts
    6th Sep 2016 09:58
    8 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
  5. QB Wardrobe Items
    3rd Sep 2016 00:32
    8 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
    16th Jun 2016 10:09
    8 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  7. Chibs Army Goals
    5th Sep 2015 00:40
    9 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
  8. Note To Staff
    8th Aug 2015 18:02
    9 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  9. NTS
    13th Jun 2015 03:20
    9 years & 9 months ago
  10. All of my graphics --- I think
    17th Sep 2014 08:42
    10 years, 5 months & 26 days ago