Note To Self~

10 years, 5 months & 18 days ago
24th Sep 2014 16:14Just Want To See Where The Year Takes Me
Pet GoalsA LONG Ways To Go-03.17.13: Halloween Troit
-Dimora: Minipet Decadal
-Dylena: Underwater Chibs
-Faerwyn: Minipet Vlad
-Hildae: Halloween Snookle
-Khizz: Gnome Lati
-Maelon: Chibi Lorius:
DONE-Montana: Undecided Figgy
-Rachies: Alien Lati
-ShuggaButt: Nightmare Vixen:
DONE-Shuggah: Chibi Chibs:
DONE-Veiv: Halloween Vixen
-Vooper: Plushie Zola
*Also Would Like*
-Autumn Vixen
-Hobo Chibs
-Native Gobble
-Tundra Troit
-Daylight Troit
-Bug Troit
-Autumn Troit
-Pirate Basil
-Halloween Decadal
-Minipet Snookle
-Party Sidni
-Minipet Willa
CollectionsGourmet Food (1387)
Avatars (557)
Stamps (92)
Deck (43)
Nest (86)
Wardrobe (773)
Photos (331)
Plates (226)
Plushies (508)
Minipets (67 Left)
Maps, Passes & Instructions (3 of 14)
Giftboxes (6 of 50)
Books (189)
DVDs (37)
CDs (35)
StatBattles Won : 20
Referrals : 8
Missions : 272
Aquarium: 49
Borak's Brew: 7
Candy Tree: 255
Computer Repair: 11
Cosmonaut: 864
Desert Spy: 61
Eleka Prison: 1
Farming: 86
Garage: 51
Haunted House: 1,498
Hump Racing: 3
Kamilah Traveller: 56
Knutt House: 9
Knutt Knight: 1
Leprechaun: 245
Microwave: 12
Personal Trainer: 3
Puchalla Inn: 5
Robot Repair: 102
Santa Claws: 67
Secret Santa: 39
Sewer Monster: 3
Simerian Excavator: 623
Simerian Explorer: 0
Slater Stalker: 46
Snowman: 451
Sumo Sally: 0
Talon: 7
Travis Truck: 243
GoalsBaspinar's Castle
4 of 32
Biala Mountain
14 of 31
29 of 32
City of Marada
20 of 31
Dukka Caves
4 of 31
Eleka's Castle
7 of 31
26 of 32
Gigantic Paradise
9 of 31
4 of 31
Lush Lake
19 of 32
Minipet Island
11 of 31
Puchalla Village
6 of 32
3 of 24
Slater Park
28 of 32
Undying Woods
19 of 31
5 of 31
AwardsAccount Upgrade
Beauty Contest: Silver
Ugly Contest: Bronze
Quest Challenge: Silver