Pet Goals!

10 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
6th Oct 2014 02:40I've decided to cut down on my dream pets a little because there's just too many I'd love to have and too many cute new pets are being released xD So for now I'm only going to have a few pet goals I want to accomplish.
Ferroseed: Make either monster mordo or monster rofling (or possibly something else that fits its name better).
Gundagai: Get up to 1150 transformations (all the non-le transformations add up to only a little higher than this).
Laurentian: Make either robot quell or an underwater/water pet (or again something to fit its name).
Quentan: Make a gothic quell.
Rarci: Finish temple to make baby.
Storsie: Make either a zola or a lightning poera or an underwater chibs? Something that works with its name.
Uriarra: Add all the learnies and gourmet food and keep statting.
Also: Make a hairy sindi. Make/trade for another sea/lake monster named pet.
Some of the above I'll probably trade away eventually but for now I'm keeping them until I complete my goals for them.