♡ faerye's's transformation | 10/13/14

10 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
13th Oct 2014 22:43My chocolate doyle, _Different_, was one of my very first pets, and he and _HUG_ are the only two I have that I can remember having many years ago. I've always held onto them (despite their more unfortunate names) because they mean so much to me sentimentally.
Today, _Different_ is going to receive a gender change, a name change, and then be transformed into a totally different color and species. I've held onto you for the long run, and now you're going to be given the biggest transformation of your life, little guy!
I know this blog post is silly, but I'm excited!
I'm going to work on changing the gender now, and then at 11PM Marapets time, I'm going to change the name. Then, at 11:11, I'm going to do the big species/color change.
October 13, 2014 10:47PM: _Different_ is now female
October 13, 2014 11:00PM: _Different_ has been renamed to Faerye
October 13, 2014 11:11PM: Faerye has changed into a Moonlight Decadal
October 13, 2014 11:11PM: Faerye has put on a Pixie Costume
update: 01 - 12 -2024
Faerye was renamed to Triceratot !
(baby costume coming soon...)